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IFMR GSB Meets Industry Expectations

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In the 50 years since its inception, IFMR Graduate School of Business at Krea University, has built a strong foundation and has come to be known as an institute of eminence, nurturing professional leaders and promising well trained talent to the industry.

EligibilityPrepare yourself for the future

At IFMR GSB, the emphasis is on preparing you for the future and turning you into successful managers. The curriculum is designed to strengthen your foundation through a set of courses in areas such as:

  • Data Science and Information Systems
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
  • Operations Management
  • Strategic Management

A strong foundation in these fundamental areas is a necessary first step to being industry-ready. Corporates coming to the campus for placements meet students whose basics are sound and who are ready to shoulder the responsibility of working in multinational companies. This is the promise that the institute fulfils every year, thanks to its unique multi-disciplinary curriculum and rigorous approach.

Entrepreneurial SpiritRigorous Interwoven Curriculum

The curriculum offered at IFMR GSB is multidisciplinary and interweaves the key skills required in the business world. This rigorous curriculum is a key reason why reputed names from the industry visit the campus year after year and offer students of IFMR GSB attractive placement packages.

The curriculum promotes interwoven learning, encompassing Design Thinking, Ethics, Communications, and a Capstone Simulation, taught by a faculty that spans multiple disciplines. Through interwoven learning, the curriculum blends the best of management studies with liberal arts.

Entrepreneurial SpiritIFMR GSB-Partners

IFMR GSB welcomes reputed names from the industry every year for its placement season. Some of the top recruiters who place their trust in the students of IFMR GSB and what the institute stands for are:



NatWest Group




Bank of America





SBI Life

Credit Suisse

JP Morgan Chase & Co.






Morgan Stanley

Wells Fargo

Entrepreneurial SpiritIFMR GSB-Exposure

For the institute, summer internships are seen as a progression towards the final placements. The institute has made the 10 week long summer internship a mandatory component of the curriculum. Students are exposed to the practical side of what they study, as they join big corporate houses as interns and gain valuable exposure. Each student’s progress is closely monitored and supervised by faculty guide as well as industry managers. Students work across sectors like IT, BFSI, FMCG and HR Consulting. For the year 2022-23, the highest internship stipend offered to the students was INR 1 lakh per month.

Entrepreneurial SpiritIFMR GSB-Placements

There has been a year on year increase in the placement packages offered to the students of IFMR GSB, as reflected in the following data.




Highest CTC

INR 20 lakhs per annum

INR 19.64 lakhs per annum

Average CTC

Over INR 13 lakhs per annum

INR 11.21 lakhs per annum

The exposure of IFMR GSB graduates to emerging areas like Data Science, FinTech, Quantitative Finance and Sustainability equips them for roles such as:

- Analytics
- Consulting
- Regulatory Reporting
- Risk Management In short, IFMR GSB has adopted a curriculum and methods of teaching that meet and exceed the needs of the industry. The students of the institute are ideally positioned to excel in a fast-paced business environment.

Stay informed, Stay ahead and Stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous.