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SNAP 2022 Question Paper

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The SNAP exam is not particularly challenging; therefore, you can prepare for it alongside the more time-consuming Common Admission Test (CAT), National Management Admission Test (NMAT), or Xavier Admission Test (XAT). 

You shouldn't have too much trouble getting ready for the test because the SNAP curriculum is identical to what's on these tests. You need only work through sample questions and exercises from the SNAP question paper 2022. Candidates taking the SNAP 2023 exam need to consider these fundamental things carefully.

SNAP Question Paper 2022: The Top Highlights

General English, Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning are the three parts that made up the SNAP question paper 2022.

According to an analysis by experts, the difficulty of the SNAP question paper ranges from easy to moderate.

Candidates can better evaluate their aptitude for the SNAP test by simply knowing the SNAP question paper of 2022 and solving the questions simultaneously to boost their problem-solving skills.

By working through sample tests from previous years, most students prepare for the coming SNAP exam.

How can I access SNAP's previous year's papers?

SNAP previous year papers serve as invaluable treasures for MBA aspirants. These papers provide a sneak peek into the exam pattern, question types, and level of difficulty associated with the SNAP entrance exam. Furthermore, studying previous year's papers allows you to identify recurring patterns and frequently asked topics. And by solving them you can even build confidence.

And when it comes to how you can access SNAP previous year papers, so simply navigate through online sources that are providing SNAP previous year papers. 

However, you may be required to provide login details at some sources to acquire free access to the content. 

Can I get SNAP's previous year's papers with solutions?

If you want to get SNAP previous year papers with solutions, here's a little trick for you. Reach out to your seniors or fellow SNAP aspirants. They might have a stash of previous year's papers that they'd be more than happy to share.

Alternatively, keep your eyes peeled for coaching centers and educational websites. They often offer free or paid access to SNAP previous year papers. It's like having your very own personal assistant on your journey to cracking SNAP. Many online sites on Google can get you SNAP previous year papers with accurate solutions. 

But always stay aware that not all solutions are necessary to be accurate if you are getting them from random sources. 

How can I access the SNAP question paper with solutions in PDF format?

Accessing SNAP previous year papers in PDF format brings a whole bunch of benefits to the table. Firstly, it's all about convenience. With PDF format, you can have those papers right at your fingertips, ready to be accessed anytime, anywhere. Moreover, PDF format preserves the original layout and formatting, giving you a true-exam-like experience. Later, you can even print out that PDF to highlight important questions in physical format.  Many online websites, social media platforms, community websites, and your own network of friends and teachers can help you in accessing the SNAP question paper with solutions in PDF format. 

Where can I find SNAP 2022 question paper PDF?

Just like the previous years, the SNAP 2022 question paper followed a familiar pattern. Candidates were given 60 minutes to tackle 60 questions. Moreover, the paper was split into three sections: General English, Analytical & Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency.

As for Analytical & Logical Reasoning, it presented a moderate challenge. This time around, we had 12 analytical reasoning and 13 logical reasoning questions, a slight change from the 10-15 split last year. When it came to General English Section, the status ranged from easy to moderate difficulty. Similar to SNAP 2021, there were no reading comprehension questions to wrestle with. Moving on to Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency, it fell into the easy to moderate category, featuring 6 arithmetic and 4 algebra questions.

Overall, the paper had a moderate level of difficulty and turned out to be slightly easier compared to SNAP 2021. You can also find the SNAP 2022 question PDF online to run an analysis of the question types and difficulty level of the entrance exam. 

Where can I find the SNAP 2021 question paper?

SNAP 2021 question paper constituted 60 questions to be answered in 60 minutes, adding up to a grand total of 60 marks.  The General English section and Analytical & Logical Reasoning were a breeze for the aspirants. However, the Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency sections were proving a bit more challenging than the previous year. 

Reading Comprehension questions were absent in General English. When it comes to the difficulty level, SNAP 2021 could be described as moderate. But some candidates claimed that the question paper was easy. 

If you also want to comment on your opinion on the SNAP 2021 question paper, many online sources will be there for your rescue. You can find SNAP 2021 question papers across an array of online sites and platforms. 

How can I access SNAP sample papers?

Keep your email address and phone number and other log-in details ready. Numerous online sources are providing free and paid access to SNAP sample papers to the aspirants. All you need to do is, submit your email address, phone number, and first and last name. Given this, you will be their registered user and will be allowed to download SNAP sample papers. 

What is the pattern of the SNAP question paper?

  • SNAP exam is entirely computer-based. So first of all, you must have lived up to your familiarity with the computer system and linked devices e.g., keyboard and mouse. 

  • The duration of the exam is 60 minutes only without a break.

  • Please note, the SNAP exam constitutes negative markings. For every wrong answer attempted, you will lose 0.25 marks from the marks you have earned. 

  • Like the previous question paper, the exam pattern for 2023 will also comprise standard topics. The total number of questions and the following marks are defined in the table below.


Number of questions

Total marks

General English: reading comprehension, verbal reasoning, verbal ability



Analytical and logical reasoning



Quantitative, Data Interpretation, and Data Sufficiency






Analytical and Logical Reasoning will have the greatest number of questions for the maximum marks, thus requiring you to pack your study material with a little more tightness in this section. This is followed by quantitative, data interpretation, and data sufficiency, which will constitute most marks after that. Like most other B-school tests, the language test will again have a minimum number of questions.

What is the difficulty level of the SNAP exam

  • The difficulty level of the SNAP exam is fairly easy, but owing to a negative marking of 0.25 per wrongly attempted answer, things can become inherently difficult. 

  • The second difficulty indicator is time. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes within which you attempt 60 questions. Practically, you have only 1 minute to answer 1 SNAP question. 

What is the syllabus for SNAP 2023?

It looks that the SIU who decides and sets the SNAP Exam Syllabus prefers to keep the chapters and important topics of the SNAP Syllabus a mystery. But here's the scoop for all you eager candidates: you can expect the same SNAP Syllabus 2023 for the upcoming SNAP 2023. The officials have maintained a steadfast approach over the years, which means the syllabus is supposed to be unchanged. The syllabus typically constitutes three main topics. 

  • General English

  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning

  • Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency 

SNAP Syllabus 2023 for General English

Firstly, let's talk about the General English section in the SNAP Exam Syllabus. It's like a little test of your English language skills, where they check your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. You'll face 15 questions in total, and each question is worth 1 mark. 

Reading Comprehension



Different usage of same word

Fill in the Blanks

Jumbled Paragraphs

Manias & Phobias

Sentence correction

Para jumbles

Sentence completion

Odd One out

One-word Substitution


Verbal Reasoning


Reading Comprehension


Jumbled Paragraphs

Different usage of same word

Fill in the Blanks


SNAP Syllabus - Analytical and Logical Reasoning

This section is thoughtfully divided into parts, whereas each part presents a unique opportunity to showcase your mental acrobatics. Simply put, the syllabus is a mix of these two separate parts in this section you will be facing in the SNAP exam. 

  • Analytical Reasoning

  • Verbal Reasoning

Linear arrangements

Matrix arrangements




Statement and Conclusion

Cause and Effect

Family tree - identifying relationship among a group of people

Symbol Based problems

Coding and decoding

Assertion and Reasoning


Linear arrangements

Matrix arrangements




Statement and Conclusion

Cause and Effect

Family tree - identifying relationship among a group of people

Symbol Based problems

Identifying next number in series


SNAP Exam Syllabus 2023 for Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

The SNAP Syllabus for Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency is all about testing your problem-solving skills and mathematical wizardry. So buckle up, and let's check out the key topics you need to tackle.

Number Systems



Profit and Loss

Interest (Simple and Compound)

Speed, Time and Distance

Work, Pipe and Cisterns


Ratio & Proportion


Linear and Quadratic Equation

Progressions - AP, GP, HP


Permutation & Combination

Sets & Functions

Coordinate geometry



Calendar and Clock



Data Interpretation based on text

Graphs and Tables

Graphs can be Column graphs

Bar Graphs

Line charts

Pie Chart

Graphs representing Area

Venn diagram


What are the important topics in SNAP syllabus?

Analytical and logical reasoning has been given the highest marks in weightage. Whereas, Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency is at the second where you will fight to score maximum marks. However, you can keep working on English partly. 

What are the best strategies to prepare for SNAP quant questions?

Get familiar with the Quantitative Aptitude book and the NCERT Math textbooks for grades 9 and 10.

Time is money, so sharpen your mental arithmetic skills by working with tables, cubes, squares, and decimal-fraction conversions. You'll gain confidence with numbers as a result of this.

You can learn more about your strengths and weaknesses by taking practice tests on a regular basis.

Unlike NMAT exams, you aren’t bound by a sectional time limit in the SNAP exam. But since time would be the biggest constraint, it is necessary for you to adopt a strategic approach and attempt all questions that you can answer on the go. 

Leave aside the confusing one. But as you reach the end, attempt the one you are fully sure otherwise leave to avoid 0.25 negative marking.  

How can I prepare for SNAP Analytical and Logical Reasoning?

Puzzle books and other publications on Analytical and Logical reasoning are great ways to hone your thinking skills. You can even download books online, which could be a great resource for you.

Review comparable questions from SNAP examinations from past years.

  • By working through the SNAP Question Paper 2022, candidates can get a feel for the exam's format.

  • Candidates can evaluate their level of readiness for the SNAP exam by working through practice questions and full-length tests to see where they stand and where they need to strengthen.

  • The same inquiries are sometimes repeated annually. If the candidate has studied SNAP questions from past years, then the answer will come to him or her quickly and easily.

  • Candidates who practice with SNAP sample questions perform better on the exam. Examining sample questions helps students acquire a balanced approach for speed and accuracy.

What is the duration of the SNAP exam?

The SNAP exam is a swift race against the clock, lasting for 60 minutes without any breaks. In the paper, you will get 60 questions. This would mean you will have 1 minute to attempt 1 question in the SNAP exam.  

Which books are recommended for SNAP 2023 preparation?

It’s time to look out for the most recommended books that cover all the sections of SNAP 2023 for robust preparation.

Books for SNAP 2023 General English

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT

Nishit K Sinha

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin

Books for SNAP 2023 General & Logical Reasoning

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT

Arun Sharma

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT

Nishit K Sinha

A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning

RS Aggarwal

Books for SNAP 2023 Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation

How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT

Arun Sharma

The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams


Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT

Nishit K.Sinha

Are there any specific books or resources for SNAP decision-making questions?

When it comes to SNAP decision-making questions, you might be wondering if there are any specific books or resources to help you out. Well, of course, such books exist. 

Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT for Admission into IIMs (English)

Sarvesh K Verma

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

RS Aggarwal

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

RS Aggarwal

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