The final day of Uttishtha 2019 was graced by the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat as the chief guest. The event started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by all the distinguished dignitaries which included Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat, CM Uttarakhand, Shri Ajay Bhatt, MP Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar, Shri Harbhajan Singh Cheema, MLA Kashipur, Shri Rajesh Shukla, MLA Kichha, Shrimati Usha Chaudhary, Mayor Kashipur, Shri Jagat Ram Joshi, DIG Kumaon Range, Shri Rajeev Rautela, Commissioner Kumaon Range, Professor Kulbhushan Balooni, Director IIM Kashipur, Professor K M Baharul Islam, Dean IIM Kashipur and Professor Safal Batra, Programme Director Foundation for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (FIED). Later Professor Safal Batra, addressed the gathering where he talked about how E-Cell and FIED were initiated and developed and how FIED had successfully incubated 37 startups which were selected from over 350 applications received from all around the country within 1 year of inception.
Prof. Kulbhushan Balooni, Director, IIM Kashipur welcomed the honorable guests to the 3rd day of Uttishtha 2019. He talked about the initiation of the Design Innovation Centre (नवाशय) along with FIED and E-Cell for helping with problem-solving ideas and business designs. He thanked the CM of Uttarakhand and all the other dignitaries for their valuable presence. Later Shri Ajay Bhatt, MP of Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar addressed the fraternity of IIM Kashipur. He expressed his excitement about being invited to IIM Kashipur. He promised support from the State of Uttarakhand and Central Government and said we will together take this institute to greater heights.
Later the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Trivendra Singh Rawat addressed the gathering. He talked about 10 management traits such as tolerance, dedication towards work, convincing skills, etc using Lord Hanuman as an example. He further talked about how the new generation is making many new discoveries and innovations and congratulated the startups that have been invited here in the Startup Expo at IIM Kashipur. He also promised to build a new hostel on the campus of IIM Kashipur. Later on, certificates were distributed to all the startups by the Chief Minister. Finally, the inauguration function concluded with a vote of thanks by Professor K M Baharul Islam, Dean IIM Kashipur.
This was followed by the Inauguration of start-up Expo by the Chief Minister after which it was opened for all the attendees where they had the first-hand experience of all the startups that were incubated as part of FIED incubation program. Career counseling for students, cultural programs and some other activities were also conducted as part of the event.
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