At the recently held ‘“The EduMeet 2018 & Education Excellence Awards” at Hyatt Regency, Kolkata’ organized by ASSOCHAM India, Dr. Jitendra K. Das, Director at FORE School of Management, New Delhi, referring to autonomy and regulations in higher education said that Higher education beyond K12 level, should have limited regulations and governance.
Talking on futurism of education and the need of a complete disruption in existing education system, Dr. Das, a thought leader in policy and reforms who has been associated with various policy and reform committees of the Government of India, said, “Why should the autonomy and set of regulatory guidelines be different for Government-run institutions compared to the private ones when the output and delivery parameters i.e. offering quality education, great learning experience and imparting employability skills to the students, are same for both types of institutes”.
Incidentally, the seats offered by government institutes in engineering or MBA courses is less than 15% of the total graduating students opting for the courses. Dr. Das, referring to the grants, most of it which goes to the government run institutions said, “The ‘Efficiency – Delivery – capacity building’ cannot be compromised or differentiated”.
FORE School of Management, New Delhi was awarded the “Best Business School with specialized curriculum” by the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal, Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi.
Fore School of Management which is located in the heart of South Delhi is known for its industry-oriented initiatives and curriculum. 85% of the faculty at FORE is from industry or comes with an industry exposure. In addition to its main academic programmes, FORE is also engaged in Research, Consultancy, seminars, academic conferences and research publications.
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