GLBIMR - One Day Certification Programme on Financial Services by MSME

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GLBIMR - Certification Programme on Financial Services

Published : Tuesday, 21 February, 2017 01:05 PM



One Day Certification Programme on Financial Services by MSME


GLBIMR under the visionary guidance of Dr. Urvashi Makkar, Director General, GLBIMR organized a One Day Certification Programme on Financial Services, in collaboration with Ministry of Micro and Small Medium Enterprise on February 21, 2017 at its Greater Noida campus where Mr. Pradip Kumar Agarwal, Trainer, Knowledge Talks and Mr. Abhishek Mukherjee, Founder of Knowledge Talks were invited as eminent speakers.

Dr. Makkar welcomed the eminent guests and gave her inputs about the pedagogy of the certification programme and topics to be covered under this session. She also emphasized that this certification is organized for students to understand the real challenges confronted in financial services, particularly banking and insurance sector.

The resources team enlighted the students with their valuable knowledge regarding the subject matter. PGDM students of GLBIMR got a clear insight about the concept which will help them to improve their knowledge in Finance sector.

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