Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar celebrated National Sports Day commemorating the 114th birth anniversary of the Hockey Wizard- Major Dhyan Chand. The sports committee organized the events that were attended by the students as well as the faculty members including Prof. Mahima Gupta, Students Affairs Chairperson, Prof. Arun Kaushik, Placement Chairperson, Prof. Mukesh Kumar, Alumni and Public Relations Chairperson, and Prof. Vartika Dutta who participated with great vigor.
On the occasion of National Sports Day, our honorable Prime Minister paid tribute to Major Dhyan Chand and acknowledged how he amazed the world with his fitness, stamina, and hockey stick. He remembered how a person’s average walking distance has reduced over the years and how modern world of technology with sedentary lifestyle has taken a toll on our health.
He further launched the “Fit India Movement” with a “Fitness Logo”, and a “Fitness Pledge” that reads, “I promise to myself that I will devote time for physical activity and sports every day and I will encourage my family members and neighbours to be physically fit and make India a fit nation”. With this he encouraged the people of India to adopt a healthy lifestyle and practice physical activities.
Prof. Nagarajan Ramamoorthy, Director IIM Amritsar, encouraged the Sports Committee to promote fit living in the institute and motivated the students to indulge in fitness-related activities so this becomes a part of their daily life. He also motivated students to create a habit of walking at least 10,000 steps daily as asked by UGC as a part of the fitness pledge.
IIM Amritsar conducted a set of 3 events spread throughout the day where the participants were required to perform certain tasks and winners of some events were also declared.
The first event was ‘Yoga session’ in the morning where students and faculty members of IIM Amritsar started their day with 20 minutes of yoga session. Participants practiced various Asanas and learned more about the mind-body connection to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Towards the end Prof. Mukesh Kumar highlighted the importance of fitness in the everyday lifestyle of individuals and said that for the next generation, an only six-figure salary is not that important, you should also have a six-pack body.
Later in the afternoon, the second event ‘Plank Challenge’ was conducted. Participants were required to maintain the plank position as long as they could. A tough competition was put up by the participants and the final round was nail biting with Anshul Jain & Anjali ladwal emerging as the winners in male and female groups. Prof. Mahima Gupta and Prof. Vartika Dutta congratulated and awarded the winners of the event at the end. The event was massively extolled among the participants for its execution and the competitive spirit.
While ending the day, the third event was ‘Walk-a-Thon’ where participants were required to walk 10000 steps to win the challenge. The participants showed great enthusiasm for the activity by competing with each other in completing the target. This created a lively atmosphere around the campus and students were zealous towards improving their fitness and were motivated to develop a fitness regime to follow on a daily basis by incorporating sports, exercises, and physical activities.
The combination of these events created a healthy environment on the campus. The exorbitant energy level among the participants made the event successful and impactful. The Sports Committee of IIM Amritsar promised to conduct such events on a regular basis to promote the ‘Fit India Movement’ in and around the institute and asked students to download fitness tracking apps to keep a track on their movements.
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