Krea University today announced that they have integrated IFMR LEAD, a preeminent research and action institute within itself. IFMR LEAD will henceforth be known as ‘LEAD at Krea University’. For over a decade LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development) has been at the forefront of action-oriented research in financial inclusion, small business and entrepreneurship development, governance and health. LEAD has more than 200 studies and evaluations to its credit, the institute has trained more than 900 development practitioners, and established a global network of over 300 partners ranging from NGOs, academics, corporates, governments and donors. Now with this integration, Lead at Krea University will provide an excellent opportunity for students, researchers, and experts to collaborate on interdisciplinary and interwoven research and explore avenues to collaborate and create greater social impact.
The integration with Krea University will bring LEAD and its other initiatives like ‘Initiative for What Works to Advance Women and Girls in the Economy (IWWAGE)’ (an initiative for economic empowerment for women) and ‘Evidence for Policy Design (EPOD) India’ within its ambit.
Speaking on the occasion, Sunder Ramaswamy, Vice-Chancellor, Krea University said “With this integration, we envision tremendous potential for exchange of ideas, skills and insights within the Krea ecosystem. I hope that these interactions will inspire young minds, further enhance the standard of teaching and learning, contribute to the nature and quality of research and nurture meaningful partnerships.”
“This marks a new and exciting chapter for LEAD, We see immense potential for undertaking innovative, data-driven research to address complex development problems, and co-creating initiatives with students and faculty to amplify our impact.” Sharon Buteau, Executive Director, LEAD
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