The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with the support of the Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF) is organizing 11th Meeting of the Asia Network on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) during September 6-7, 2018 in association with Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) at Hotel Marriott, Hyderabad, India.
The Inaugural session of the Network meeting was attended by more than 50 participants from Asian countries, OECD team and Public sector CEOs. His Excellency Mr E S L Narasimhan, Hon’ble Governor of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh delivered the inaugural address joined by Mr K Madhava Rao, IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, GoAP, and President, IPE; Mr Kyung Seong, Head of Evaluation Research Team at the Research Centre at State-Owned Entities of KIPF and Dr. Hans Christiansen, Senior Economist, Corporate Affairs Division and Directorate for Financial & Enterprise Affairs, OECD.
Mr K Madhava Rao, delivered the welcome address and wished the participants a fruitful and productive deliberations.
His Excellency Mr E S L Narasimhan declared the 11th Meeting of the Asia Network on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises open. In his inaugural address, he lucidly presented OECDs framework and highlighted the need for transparency and accountability locally and globally. Further he emphasized on the need for promoting public private participation, adoption of ethics during business transactions, encouragement of societal commitment which thereby multiplies the happiness quotient of the Nation.
Dr Si Kyung Seong, highlighted the best SOE practices in Korea. His address threw light on how good responsible business conduct practices enhanced social practices, customer satisfaction, state ownership, private practices etc.
Dr Hans Christiansen presented the vote of thanks.
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