Published : Saturday, 12 September, 2015 04:41 PM
NMIMS, India’s one of the Premier Private Universities, has appointed Prof. Prithvi Yadav as Director for its campus located at Hyderabad. Established in 2010, this campus offers two year full time PGDM and Executive Management Programs, which are highly sought after programs among management aspirants and working executives
Prof Yadav has been a Distinguish Professor of IIM with professional experience of more than two and half decades. Have been teaching premiere institutions in India like IITs, IIMs and foreign universities at University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), China, University of the West of England (UWE), UK and Hamline University, USA etc. Awarded the prestigious first “Fellow of AIMS International” by AIMS International, USA and President, GBMF (USA) for contribution in Management Education & Research, Senior & Junior fellowships by ICAR, Holder of National Merit Scholarship by Govt of India &Award of “Ten Outstanding Young Indian “ by JCI, Outstanding Teaching Services Award by Lions Club, Kanpur, Institutional Excellence Award by AIMS International etc. etc.
Prof Yadav has been member of BoG, Indian Institute of Management (IIM Indore), Subject Matter Expert UPSC, Govt of India, Member High Power Academic Review Committee & Expert member of Faculty selection committee, IIITM, Gwalior, UGC XI Plan Expert Committee member and Nominated Member of IITK-Senate, IIT Kanpur, Member- Board of Governors, Royal Group of Institutions, Gowahati, and Member Governing Council, Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Mgt& Research, Kanpur.
Worked as researcher and consultants with organizations such as CREED (London), IVM (Amsterdam), World Bank, USAID & UNDP , Min of Agriculture, Min of HRD, Army Management Services Board (AMSB) Min of Defense, Ministry of Family & Welfare, Govt of India, State Planning Board, Govt of MP, UP Forest Dept, Kanpur Municipal Corporation etc.Has authored & edited 3 books, more than 20 cases, 25 reading/teaching notes and more than 100 research papers in national and international journals & conferences. Has been peer reviewer of reputed journals like; Management Review, IIMB, IJOQM, USA, Journal of IISc, IMR-Management Speak, etc. Has very widely travelled many countries for Teaching, Presenting research papers in international conferences, research projects and academic affiliations such as US, UK, The Netherlands, South Korea, China, Nepal, Thailand, UAE etc.
An expert in Data Mining, Business Intelligence Solutions, Six Sigma Applications and SPSS. Extensive research done in Banking & Financial Sector by BI, Six Sigma and Data Mining. SPSS based teaching materials and cases are very popular in IIMs. Have been conducting Management Development Programs (MDPs)&consultants to Industries, PSUs & NGOs on all aspects of management. Expert in Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Six Sigma Training & certifications, SPSS applications etc.
Prof Yadav has been the first professor of all IIM to introduce concept of social sensitization to MBA students at IIM Indore way back in 2000. Later, the concept was so well appreciated, now all IIMs and other institutions have started providing emphasis on social values to students. Continuing same momentum, Prof Yadav has been instrumental in encouraging management students at GHSIMR to be involved in one of the most ambitious social project “Creating Blind Free Zone” in Kanpur. Has lead member of “Vision Kanpur-2020”, an effort to create vision of Kanpur for next 10 years in association with IIT Kanpur, Industries of Kanpur and other organizations. Has been actively involved in promoting “Kanpur Parivartan Forum” an initiative by citizen’s of Kanpur to bring change in the city.
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