Xavier Centre of Urban Management and Governance (XUMG) will be hosting its annual business conclave,
Samavesh, on August 8th, 2019. The conclave intends to give the students of UMG a holistic view, encompassing
both the past and the future operation of urban management. The theme for the event is “Managing Cities:
Current Practices and Future Prospects”.
The theme this year aims to initiate deliberations and discussions on the current trends practiced in the industry
concerning managing cities. While many practices have yielded satisfactory results for quite some time, the issues
they bring forth in the urban context are manifold and hence cannot be ignored. Further, the implications of
demographic changes, social and economic variations, rising concern for the environment, amongst others, must
be accounted for while managing cities. The future course of action must follow a new direction to cope with
these rising problems.
The event will be graced by seven eminent industry veterans addressing the above-mentioned issue and imparting
their knowledge to the students. The speakers include Mr. Jamal Abdul Rasheed (Head- Urban Planning,
L&T), Mr. Suman Mishra (Associate Vice President, Tech Mahindra), Mr. Ashutosh Limaye (Director &
Head Strategic Advisory, Anarock Property Consultants Pvt. Ltd.), Mr. Jay Anand (Vice President, Taru
Leading Edge), Mr. Mahesh Harhare (Chief Resilient Officer, 100 resilient cities, Rockefeller Foundation),
Mr. Shishir Dash (Lead- Urban Habitat, Tata Trust), and Mr. Prabhakar Kumar (Head- Planning, REPL).
XUB believes in offering a platform for quality discussions on emerging issues and trends. The university
organises a plethora of superlative conclaves to ameliorate the students’ learning experience. Samavesh is one
such business conclave aimed at providing an enriching interactive session with respect to urban management.
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