When times are tough, become better so that you become bigger when times are good, said Mr.Motilal Oswal, CEO of Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd at the special INSPIRATION lecture organised by Aditya Institute of Management Studies and Research.

Inspiring Students with the Journey of his life, Mr.Oswal emphasised on the right intensity of passion, right set of values and learn spirit as the factors contributing to his success. He spoke about competitive and technological challenges which will rule the financial world.
Students quenched their knowledge thirst by asking questions to the finance stalwart which he answered in detail.
Mr.Oswal advised students to keep knowledge first with a clear goal in life.
Mr.Oswal advised budding managers on proper investment techniques. He stressed on appropriate stock selection, sector selection with long term investment options. He stressed on importance of research for growth in financial sector.
Dr. Swati Lodha, Director, AIMSR welcomed Shri Oswal and briefed him about the vision of the institute.
It is noteworthy that Mr. Anand Rathi, CEO, Co-founder & Chairman, Anand Rathi Financial Services Limited & Mr.Vikaas M.Sachdeva, CEO at Edelweiss Asset Management Ltd. and Director at Association of Mutual Fund in India (AMFI) had visited the institute in February this year.
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