Published : Monday, 15 September, 2014 11:53 AM
The six day long faculty development program (FDP-II) under TEQIP-II successfully concluded on September 13,2014. The last day started with a session by Prof. Sajal Dasgupta, Director, Technical Education, Govt. of West Bengal, who stressed upon developing and maintaining ‘Industry-Institute’ relationship as a long term strategy that results in academic excellence in technical education. Industry-Institute partnership sounds better and holistic but does not grow in reality. The gap exists due to relative difference in perspectives of educational institutes and industry. Institutes look at general development of students that will give them a wide range of opportunities and choices, while industries work for employees with specific skill who will fit directly into their system.Developing effective synergies between research in the Universities and their application in and utilization by the Industry to the mutual advantage of both the systems was stressed by Prof. Dasgupta.
Prof. B.S. Sahay, Director IIM Raipur, in his interaction with all the participants during the valedictory function, urged the participants to try to implement all the learnings made during the six day FDP. Faculty should transform to become good managers and leaders through these FDP’s under TEQIP-II. Participants were suggested to address all the constraints during the implementation of the learnings made during the FDP. The joint research initiatives made by the participants were well appreciated.
The Chief Guest Prof. Sajal Dasgupta requested all the engineering institutions to take the help of FDPs being organized by IIM Raipur, which will help to change the mindset of people to bring broader thinking for the betterment of institutions.
All the participants expressed their views on their great learnings from the various topics of FDP-II and their action plans to implement of the objectives set forth under TEQIP.
The topics covered in the six days programme were Accreditation and Washington Accord, Participant Centric Learning, Assessing Self Strengths and Weakness, Team Building, Managing Research Grants & Publishing in world class journals, Improving Teaching-Learning Process, Evaluation Techniques & Feedback for Self-development, Achieving Academic Excellence, Adapting to fast changing needs, Counselling &MentoringStudents, Building Effective Relations with Students, Time Management & Priority Settings, Managing Academic Resources, Legal Aspects in Academic Environment and Building networks with the industry.
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