Published : Monday, 04 August, 2014 03:57 PM
XSYS, the Systems Association of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswarorganized today the National level IT Summit – Envision’14 on “ERP in the cloud and Modern Business”. The event is a window to understand IT from the corporate point of view through speakers with rich industry expertise.
The event was graced with the presence of faculty members and eminent professionals from the corporate world. Professor Dipak Mishra moderated the discussion. The main focus of the discussion was the recent development in the IT sector with respect to ERP and Cloud Computing. Business agility and innovation needed to succeed in today’s fast paced business environment using cloud was also discussed by the panellists. Mr Manoj Karanath, General Manager of Cloud Business Solutions and Strategic Technologies Group at Mindtree explained implementation of cloud with examples ranging from London Gatwick airport to The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).
The industry experts explained ERP in cloud as the interaction between processes, people and technology. Further it is an innovation to consume information. It provides services like business processes, software, platform and infrastructure. The potential business gainers of having ERP on cloud are Government, healthcare and education. Mr. SandipDatta, General Manager of Global Business Services at IBM quoted that “the next big natural resource is Data. 2.5 billion GB of data is created everyday of which 80% is unstructured. The right mix of cloud, hosted, on premise efficiently converts this data to useful information.”
The session was an interactive one wherein the industry speakers shared their views, experiences and ideas with the students and the students actively participated by asking intelligent questions. It increased the awareness, interests and practical knowledge of the students.
XSYS is a wholly student managed body with an emphasis on learning beyond the books. With a strength of almost entire XIM student community, XSYS is truly instrumental in promoting Systems related activities on campus.
About XUB and XIMB
Xavier University, Bhubaneswar (XUB) was established in accordance with the Xavier University Act 2013 and was inaugurated on the 7th of July 2014. The university is a self-financing institution of higher learning for imparting professional and technical education.
XIMB, an autonomous school of XUB is one of the prestigious Management Institutes of the country which was founded 27 years back through a social contract between the Odisha Jesuit Society and the Government of Odisha. It is one of the most technology Intensive campus in India. The institute aims at creating managers with a human face. XUB and XIMB offer their flagship Masters in Business Administration degree in the field of Business Management, Human Resources and Rural Management.
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