Published : Friday, 25 July, 2014 03:30 PM
T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, introduced the Silver Jubilee Leadership Lecture Series in 2009 with the objective of inviting eminent personalities and thought leaders of the country for addressing the young management students of TAPMI on contemporary topics.The 17th Leadership Lecture at TAPMI saw an eminent guest, Shri Joginder Singh, IPS(Retd), Former Director, CBI, delivering a lecture to the students and faculty memberson the topic “Role of Police as Agents of Social Change and How to Excel in Life” at the Syndicate Bank Golden Jubilee Auditorium, Manipal on 19th July 2014. Other citizens and academic fraternity of manipal were also invited.

The session started with the “Lamp Lighting Ceremony” by Shri Joginder Singh, who was accompanied by Dr Ramdas Pai, Chancellor – Manipal University and Dr R C Natarajan, Director, TAPMI. It was followed by Saraswati Vandana by students of TAPMI. Prof Rajiv Shah, the Master of Ceremony for the event, began the proceedings by providing a brief introduction about the speaker and then offering the stage to him to deliver the lecture.
Shri JoginderSinghbegan by mentioning some of the general perceptions about the police. He said that police is not welcomed in our nation, for which he cited two main reasons, first being favouritism and pro-rich behaviour and the other being generally discourteous to the general public. Policemen are perceived to be generally abusive and mostly honest citizens suffer. Public complaints are ignored by police. He added that people believe police are the biggest violators of law. Then he further went on to explain that frequent transfers of policemen are quite rampant. He cited this as main personal reasonthe police has been ineffective in enforcing laws. To tackle this issue of frequent transfers the Supreme Court passed an order in the year 2000, guaranteeing fix tenure to police officials of certain ranks in a posting. However, not even a single state has implemented the same.
Shri JoginderSingh went on to narrate an incident where one has to be the flag-bearer of change. He stated that constables are the ones at the bottom of the pyramid who had to suffer the most. They don’t get even a single holiday in the entire year. Thus, he raised this issue once in a high level conference. His compatriots seemed to be amused by his statement but he went on to implement holidays for constables in his district jurisdiction.
He then emphasized on the importance of hard work. He urged the students to be the best in their fields and reach the pinnacle. He enunciated that everyone has the potential of reaching there but the price for reaching there is only through dedication and hard work.
The session was followed by questions from the audience, which were aptly answered by the guest with relevant examples from his life and experience. The event came to an end with Prof Rajiv Shah, extending vote of thanks to the guests of the event and the Manipal fraternity at large.
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