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Mr. J. Krishna Sankar speaks about renewable energy to IIM Raipur students

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Mr. J. Krishna Sankar speaks about renewable energy to IIM Raipur students
Mr. J. Krishna Sankar, Managing Director, Eastern Power and Systems Pvt. Ltd. addressed the students of IIM Raipur on the importance of renewable sources of energy. 
He expressed his concern on the difference between the demand and generated capacity of power in the India. Renewable sources like biomass, wind and solar energy are the untapped sources of energy of the country and there is a need to develop those in order to meet the increasing demand for power. 
He spoke about the difficulties and challenges faced in such projects. He stressed that the biggest problem about renewable energies like solar energy is storing and providing it to the end users. That compounded with the high capital costs of such projects plague the sector which makes it necessary for the Government to provide subsidies. 
Mr. J. Krishna Sankar answered several questions put up by the students of IIM Raipur. He said that India being a developing economy needs the power sector to develop rapidly in order to grow.
There is huge potential in India that needs to be tapped effectively to yield results. It is about finding a balance amidst all the chaos that will pave the way for a successful future in the power sector. Mr. J. Krishna Sankar certainly gave the budding managers a lot to think about.
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