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Complex Arrangement Questions for the CAT exam are part of the Logical Reasoning section of the CAT exam. Through Complex Arrangement questions, aspirants are tested on concepts related to Logical Reasoning and critical thinking. The difficulty level of the Complex Arrangement questions can be moderate to difficult.

Tips to improve Complex Arrangement Questions for CAT?

  • Read the entire problem statement carefully to capture all the details and constraints.
  • Cross-reference different statements to find connections and complete the arrangement.
  • Pay attention to questions that depend on multiple other conditions and address them step-by-step.

Complex Arrangement Questions Tricks for the CAT Exam

  • Develop general rules or shortcuts based on patterns you notice. For example, if a certain type of arrangement often involves a particular strategy, incorporate that into your approach.
  • Don’t overcomplicate the problem. Break it down into easy parts and solve it step by step.
  • After solving, review mistakes to understand where you went wrong and how to correct similar errors in the future.

Complex Arrangement Questions Concepts for the CAT Exam

  • Create Links between entities using conditions to form a chain
  • Visualize different scenes to check for satisfaction.
  • Combine multiple conditions to form a single logical step

Complex  Arrangement Practice questions for the CAT exam

Question 1: The organisms W, X, Y, and Z respond to the antibiotics ferromycin, ganocyclene, and heptocillin in a manner consistent with the following:
Each of the organisms responds to at least one of the antibiotics.
A. No organism responds to all three antibiotics.
B. At least two but not all four or the organisms respond to ferromycin.
C. If W responds to any antibiotic, then X responds to that antibiotic.
D. If an organism responds to ferromycin, then it responds to ganocyclene.
E. Y responds to ferromycin.

    Q 1. Each of the following can be true EXCEPT:
    A. W responds to heptocillin.
    B. X responds to ganocyclene.
    C. X responds to heptocillin.
    D. Y responds to heptocillin.
    E. Z responds to ganocyclene.

Level: Easy

Answer: D

    Q 2. Which one of the following could be true?
    A. W, X, and Z all respond to ferromycin.
    B. W, X, and Z all respond to ganocyclene.
    C. W and exactly one other organism respond to ganocyclene.
    D. W responds to more of the antibiotics than X does.
    E. More of the organisms respond to ferromycin than to ganocyclene.

Level: Easy

Answer: B

    Q 3. Which one of the following could be true?
    A. Exactly one of the organisms responds to ferromycin.
    B. All four of the organisms respond to heptocillin.
    C. At least one of the organisms responds both to ferromycin and to heptocillin.
    D. At least one of the organisms responds neither to ganocyclene nor to heptocillin.
    E. At least one of the organisms responds to ganocyclene but does not respond to ferromycin.

Level: Moderate

Answer: A

    Q 4. If X does not respond to ferromycin, then which one of the following must be true?
    A. W responds to ganocyclene.
    B. X responds to ganocyclene.
    C. X responds to heptocillin.
    D. Z responds to ferromycin.
    E. Z responds to heptocillin.

Level: Difficult

Answer: D

    Q 5. If any of the organisms responds to two of the antibiotics, then which one of the following is true about such an organism?
    A. It must respond to ferromycin.
    B. It must respond to ganocyclene.
    C. It must respond to heptocillin.
    D. It cannot respond to ferromycin.
    E. It cannot respond to ganocyclene.

Level: Moderate

Answer: B

    Q 6. If none of the organisms responds to heptocillin, then which one of the following must be true?
    A. W responds to ferromycin.
    B. X responds to ferromycin.
    C. Z responds to ferromycin.
    D. Exactly three of the organisms respond to ganocyclene.
    E. Exactly four of the organisms respond to ganocyclene.

Level: Moderate

Answer: E

    Q 7. If three of the organisms respond to exactly the same set of antibiotics as each other, and if Z does not respond to ferromycin, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:
    A. W responds to ferromycin.
    B. X responds to ganocyclene.
    C. Z responds to ganocyclene.
    D. W responds to exactly the same set of antibiotics as Y.
    E. X responds to exactly the same set of antibiotics as Y.

Level: Difficult

Answer: C

Must-do Complex Arrangement questions for the CAT exam?

Question 2:  Faculty members in a management school can belong to one of four departments – Finance and Accounting (F&A), Marketing and Strategy (M&S), Operations and Quants (O&Q) and Behaviour and Human Resources (B&H). The numbers of faculty members in F&A, M&S, O&Q and B&H departments are 9, 7, 5 and 3 respectively. Prof. Pakrasi, Prof. Qureshi, Prof. Ramaswamy and Prof. Samuel are four members of the school's faculty who were candidates for the post of the Dean of the school. Only one of the andidates was from O&Q. Every faculty member, including the four candidates, voted for the post. In each department, all the faculty members who were not candidates voted for the same candidate. The rules for the election are listed below.

1. There cannot be more than two candidates from a single department.
2. A candidate cannot vote for himself/herself.
3. Faculty members cannot vote for a candidate from their own department.

After the election, it was observed that Prof. Pakrasi received 3 votes, Prof. Qureshi received 14 votes, Prof. Ramaswamy received 6 votes and Prof. Samuel received 1 vote. Prof. Pakrasi voted for Prof. Ramaswamy, Prof. Qureshi for Prof. Samuel, Prof. Ramaswamy for Prof. Qureshi and Prof. Samuel for Prof. Pakrasi.

Q 1. Which two candidates can belong to the same department?
A. Prof. Pakrasi and Prof. Qureshi
B. Prof. Qureshi and Prof. Ramaswamy
C. Prof. Pakrasi and Prof. Samuel
D. Prof. Ramaswamy and Prof. Samuel

Level: Moderate

Answer: A

Q 2. Which of the following can be the number of votes that Prof. Qureshi received from a single department?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 6
D. 9

Level: Difficult

Answer: D

Q 3. If Prof. Samuel belongs to B&H, which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Prof. Pakrasi belongs to M&S.
Statement B: Prof. Ramaswamy belongs to O&Q.
A. Only statement A 
B. Both statements A and B
C. Neither statement A nor statement B
D. Only statement B

Level: Easy

Answer: B

Q 4. What best can be concluded about the candidate from O&Q?
A. It was either Prof. Ramaswamy or Prof. Samuel.
B. It was Prof. Samuel.
C. It was either Prof. Pakrasi or Prof. Qureshi.
D. It was Prof. Ramaswamy.

Level: Easy

Answer: A

Q 5. Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Non-candidates from M&S voted for Prof. Qureshi.
Statement B: Non-candidates from F&A voted for Prof. Qureshi.
A. Neither statement A nor statement B
B. Both statements A and B
C. Only statement A
D. Only statement B

Level: Moderate

Answer: D

Most Important Complex Arrangement Question for CAT

Question 3 : Petworld has exactly fourteen animals (three gerbils, three hamsters, three lizards, five snakes) that are kept in four separate cages (W, X, Y, Z) according to the following conditions:

A. Each cage contains exactly two, four, or six animals.
B. Any cage containing a gerbil also contains at least one hamster; any cage containing a hamster also contains at least one gerbil.
C. Any cage containing a lizard also contains at least one snake; any cage containing a snake also contains at least one lizard.
D. Neither cage Y nor cage Z contains a gerbil.
E. Neither cage W nor cage X contains a lizard.

    Q 1. Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the animals kept in cages W and Y?
    A. W: one gerbil and one hamster
    Y: two lizards and two snakes

    B. W: one gerbil and two hamsters
    Y: one lizard and three snakes

    C. W: two gerbils and two hamsters
    Y: one lizard and four snakes

    D. W: two gerbils and two hamsters
    Y: three lizards and one snake

    E. W: two gerbils and two lizards
    Y: two hamsters and two snakes

Level: Difficult

Answer: A

    Q 2. If there are exactly two hamsters in cage W and the number of gerbils in cage X is equal to the number of snakes in cage Y, then the number of snakes in cage Z must be exactly
    A. one
    B. two
    C. three
    D. four
    E. five

Level: Easy

Answer: D

    Q 3. If cage Z contains exactly twice as many lizards as cage Y, which one of the following can be true?
    A. Cage Y contains exactly two lizards.
    B. Cage Y contains exactly two snakes.
    C. Cage Y contains exactly four animals.
    D. Cage Z contains exactly three snakes.
    E. Cage Z contains exactly two animals.

Level: Moderate

Answer: C

    Q 4. If the number of animals in cage W is equal to the number of animals in cage Z, then which one of the following can be true?
    A. Cage W contains exactly six animals.
    B. Cage X contains exactly six animals.
    C. Cage Y contains exactly one snake.
    D. Cage Y contains exactly three snakes.
    E. Cage Z contains exactly four snakes.

Level: Difficult

Answer: D

    Q 5. If cage Y contains six animals, which one of the following must be true?
    A. Cage W contains two gerbils.
    B. Cage X contains four animals.
    C. Cage Z contains two snakes.
    D. The number of snakes in cage Y is equal to the number of lizards in cage Y.
    E. The number of snakes in cage Z is equal to the number of lizards in cage Z.

Level: Moderate

Answer: E

    Q 6. At most, how many snakes can occupy cage Y at any one time?
    A. one
    B. two
    C. three
    D. four
    E. five

Level: Moderate

Answer: A

Find Some Previous Year Complex Arrangements Questions for CAT

Question 4: Three couples—John and Kate, Lewis and Marie, and Nat and Olive have dinner in a restaurant together. Kate, Marie, and Olive are women; the other three are men.

Each person orders one and only one of the following kinds of entrees: pork chops, roast beef, swordfish, tilefish, veal cutlet. The six people order in a manner consistent with the following conditions:

A. The two people in each couple do not order the same kind of entree as each other.
B. None of the men orders the same kind of entree as any of the other men.
C. Marie orders swordfish.
D. Neither John nor Nat orders a fish entree.
E. Olive orders roast beef.

    Q 1. Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the entrees any one of which Lewis could order?
    A. pork chops, roast beef
    B. pork chops, veal cutlet
    C. pork chops, swordfish, veal cutlet
    D. pork chops, roast beef, tilefish, veal cutlet
    E. pork chops, roast beef, swordfish, tilefish, veal cutlet

Level: Easy

Answer: A

    Q 2. Which one of the following statements could be true?
    A. John orders the same kind of entree as Marie does.
    B. Kate orders the same kind of entree as Nat does.
    C. Lewis orders the same Kind of entree as Nat does.
    D. Marie orders the same kind of entree as Olive does.
    E. Nat orders the same kind of entree as Olive does.

Level: Moderate

Answer: D

    Q 3. Which one of the following statements must be true?
    A. One of the men orders pork chops or veal cutlet.
    B. One of the men orders swordfish or veal cutlet.
    C. Two of the women order tilefish.
    D. None of the men orders a fish entree.
    E. Exactly one of the women orders a fish entree.

Level: Difficult

Answer: A

    Q 4. If John orders veal cutlet, then which one of the following statements must be true?
    A. Kate orders roast beef.
    B. Kate orders swordfish.
    C. Lewis orders tilefish.
    D. Lewis orders veal cutlet.
    E. Nat orders pork chops.

Level: Moderate

Answer: E

    Q 5. If none of the six people orders pork chops, then which one of the following statements must be true?
    A. John orders veal cutlet.
    B. Kate orders tilefish.
    C. Lewis orders tilefish.
    D. One of the men orders swordfish.
    E. One of the women orders tilefish.

Level: Moderate

Answer: C

    Q 6. If Lewis orders pork chops, then which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the entrees any one of which John could order?
    A. roast beef
    B. veal cutlet
    C. roast beef, veal cutlet
    D. roast beef, swordfish
    E. pork chops, roast beef, swordfish

Level: Moderate

Answer: A

    Q 7. Suppose that the people in each couple both order the same kind of entree as each other rather than order different kinds of entrees. If all other conditions remain the same, and no two women order the same kind of entree, then which one of the following statements could be true?
    A. John orders roast beef.
    B. John orders swordfish.
    C. Kate orders roast beef.
    D. Two of the people order pork chops.
    E. Two of the people order 

Level: Difficult

Answer: D

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