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PGP Admission Process for IIMB Batch of 2024

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PGP Admission Process for IIMB Batch


PGP Admission Process for IIMB Batch of 2024

IIM Bangalore

Its time now for CAT students to be anxious for results. But this is not enough to get through IIMs, you need to prepare for WAT and PI as per the criteria of each IIM for CAT 2023  batch.

Factors that will be considered for admission to PGP Program

  • 10th & 12th grades
  • Graduation program grades
  • Section wise scores in CAT

IIMB adopts a two-phase selection process and accordingly these selection criteria are applied in two phases. The first phase process is applied to all eligible candidates who appear for CAT 2018 to determine those qualifying candidates who will be called for personal interview (PI).

During the PI process the candidates selected for interviewing during a particular half-day (morning or afternoon) session will have to write a short note (one page) on a topic provided by IIMB. The topics chosen will typically reflect current political, economic and business affairs, though other topics such as sports and those that require more creative thinking may also be included. The time provided for writing the note will typically be about 30 minutes. During the interview, the panel will evaluate each candidate's performance on academic background, quality of work experience and other personal traits. The written note will be evaluated separately. Scores of both, written note and interview, in combination with pre-PI selection parameters will be used cumulatively in the second and final phase of selection to identify the candidates who will merit selection from among those candidates who appear for the PI.

Phase 1

Minimum Percentile requirements for the 1st shortlist (2024)

First Shortlist – For the batch of 2024-26 based on CAT 2023

(Since CAT 2023 will have three sections, minimum percentile requirements will be applicable for each of the three sections and aggregate for CAT 2023.)

GEN 80 75 75 85
OBC (NC) 70 65 65 75
SC 70 65 65 75
ST 55 55 55 65
PWD 50 50 50 60
  •  The first shortlist of candidates is based on candidates securing minimum section-wise and aggregate percentile scores in the CAT.
  • For all candidates in the first shortlist as stated in Table (1), the candidates percentage scores in the 10th and 12th board exams are initially adjusted by dividing each such score by the 90th percentile score obtained in that board.
  • Incomplete or intermediate scores are considered only if the candidate's final score is pending. Thus, for final year bachelor’s degree candidates, their incomplete graduation score would be taken in lieu of final graduation score. Graduation scores are adjusted within their respective categories. This gives the adjusted score for the bachelor’s degree for all candidates in the first shortlist.
  • For all candidates in the first shortlist as stated in Table (1), candidates with Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accounting, and Company Secretary certifications are eligible for weight under professional course. No other professional course is eligible for weight under professional course. The professional course score is also standardized for all candidates in the first shortlist
  • For all candidates in the first shortlist as stated in (1), the score / weight for work experience is calculated as: Pre PI score for Work Experience = 8x/36 if 0 < x < 36 = 8 if x >= 36
  • Where x is the months of work experience up to September 2022, as captured in CAT application form.This implies that the score will peak at 36 months work experience and will remain at that level for candidates with work experience exceeding 36 months.
  • The maximum of the work experience score and the professional course score is considered for selection under a common weight of 10 for work experience or professional course
  • Other than work experience or professional course, the weights for the remaining five components are fixed as: : CAT = 40, 10th board = 20, 12th board = 10, Bachelors = 20, Gender Diversity = 2 . The 40 points for CAT are derived from the performance in each of the three sections as follows: Verbal & Reading Comprehension (VARC) - 14 points, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) - 16 points, and Quantitative Aptitude (QA) - 10 points.
  • The weighted total of the six components namely (a) work experience or professional course, (b) CAT, (c) 10th board, (d) 12th board, (e) bachelors, (f) gender diversity. Sufficient candidates will be invited for PI to enable selection based on the additional PI evaluation components: (a) note content, (b) note style, (c) personal interview, and (d) review of work experience (if any).
  • Normalization or standardization in any component stated above is carried out as per the following formula.

       Max [0, min {wt, wt/2 + ((val-mean) / sd) * wt / 6}]

Phase 2

  • The performance of each candidate on the note will be scored in terms of content and style. Each interviewer will use the Personal Interview to comprehensively evaluate the candidate's motivation and ability to fit in and benefit from the PGP program. All candidates will be required to provide three confidential reference letters from their employers or faculty and this will also be used in the personal interview evaluation. For Personal Interview – the average of the scores given by the interviewers will be considered, while for the note content and note style, the scores given by an independent evaluator will be considered.
  • The quality of work experience score will be evaluated on a 5 point scale (0.25 - 0.5 – 1 - 1.5 - 2) by each member of the panel during the interviews. The average quality of work experience score will be multiplied by the pre-PI work experience score and accordingly the work / professional experience component score (maximum score 5) used in Phase 1 will be revised in Phase 2 (maximum score10).
  • The scores in all past academics will also be updated, if required, on the basis of actual mark sheets / grade cards submitted.
  • The WAT score (weight = 10), and the Personal interview score (weight = 30), after standardization across interview panels and sessions, will be added to the following scores to arrive at the final aggregate score. CAT (weight = 25), 10th board (weight = 10), 12th board (weight 5), Bachelors (weight = 10), Weighted Work Experience/ Professional qualification (weight = 10). The 25 points for CAT are derived from the performance in each of the three sections as follows: Verbal & Reading Comprehension (VARC) – 8.75 points, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) - 10 points, and Quantitative Aptitude (QA) – 6.25 points.
  • The final offers of admission to candidates will be made strictly on the basis of ranks in each category on the final aggregate score as mentioned in above point.

Prepare for WAT and PI

iconWhat is WAT All about ?

icon110 WAT Topics

iconPersonal Interview Tips

iconKeep in Mind during PI

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