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Discussing corruption is a new craze.

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Now the moment results for CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, and NMAT are out, you will be invited for GD and it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics. 
Read and develop points for discussion on GD Burning topic:
Discussing corruption is a new craze
Corruption is a viral disease that is a huge setback to India, which is why in the last few years; we have witnessed a number of politicians and social activists working hard to eradicate corruption. In India, we come across corrupt individuals in every nook and cranny and this is infuriating for the common man, who has to shell out additional money to get a service or a product that he is entitled to right from the beginning.
In the last few years, we have witnessed the passing of the Lokpal Bill in the parliament and the establishment of the Aam Aadmi Party, which seeks to abolish corruption. These recent developments have brought a ray of hope into the lives of millions of Indians and they believe that corruption can be eradicated with the help of promising politicians such as Arvind Kejriwal and Narendra Modi. This is the reason why corruption has become a topic for discussion among many households. 
Today, there are channels for people to talk about corruption, which did not exist several years ago. Portals like ‘I Paid A Bribe’ encourage individuals to submit reports on corrupt officials, which will then be sent to the media and government agencies.
In addition, bribe hotlines have been set up in a number of cities in India, which aid in reducing corrupt activities in India. In the past, citizens of India were forced to pay bribes, with no channel to report corrupt activities. However, today, a number of channels have opened up and people are empowered to take action against corruption. Given the power that citizens of India have, we witness a number of discussions on corruption today. 
People talk about corruption because politicians in India have given hope to the citizens that India can be free of corruption. Corruption has affected the lives of many in India and now, time has come to create awareness on the repercussions of bribery and fight against corruption.
 Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny.” 
This is exactly what is happening in India. By discussing corruption, it is hoped that one day, policies will be implemented which will help India to become a corrupt-free nation. 
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