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GD Topic: Escalation of Onion costing is the result of government's apathy.

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GD Topic
After having been shortlisted on the basis of analytical skills , you will tested for communication skills, attitudinal skills  and all MBA aspirants will have to undergo with Group Discussion( GD ) which is  very crucial part of selection process.
Read on GD Burning topic: Escalation of Onion costing is the result of government's apathy
The rate of inflation has increased in India, and as such, the common man is suffering at the expense of the government’s incapability and apathy. 
The government had assured the people of India that the price of onions would moderate in the first half of October, but there is no indication of a decrease in the prices of onions nationwide.
In fact, experts claim that Rs 60 for one kilogram of onions is the new normal for the price of onions in most of the cities in India.
In the last one week, certain cities in India witnessed an increase in the price of onions to Rs 65 and there is a possibility that the price will further increase to Rs 90. 
Consumer Affairs Secretary  also confirmed that there is little hope of the price of onions moderating in the month of October because fresh produce has not reached the markets due to transportation issues.
In fact, some farmers are taking advantage of the increasing cost of onions by developing their own storage systems and selling onions when they get the best price. Despite being aware of these issues, the government seems to be doing nothing to rectify the situation. 
In September 2013, a senior Union minister clearly stated that the government does not sell onions and so, the common man should request the vendors and traders to purchase onions at lower prices and sell them for lower prices. From this statement, it is clear that the government is not concerned about the welfare of its citizens. 
It does not want to take responsibility for the calamity or problem that a common man is facing. How can the common man expect sympathy from traders and vendors, who are money minded, when the government, which is supposed to look into the welfare of its citizens, is running away from its responsibilities?
Also, when the government openly declares that the price of onions is something that the government will not interfere in, the vendor is more likely to take advantage of this situation because there is no one to control the price of onions.
The buck is being passed that hoarding; rains and even cyclone are the reasons for short supply of onions. Both ruling party and opposition blame each other and in the bargain push their election agenda  but common man continues to suffer. 
The escalation of onion costing in India is the result of the government’s lack of interest in the welfare of the citizens.
If the government would have given agriculture inputs to   farmers to raise more crop yield and  put pressure on vendors or tried to control the price of onions including timely embargo on exports, we would not have been in this situation today.
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