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GD PI can be tricky ; Don’t take it lightly

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Published : Friday, 24 March, 2017 03.30 PM

GD PI can be tricky ; Don’t take it lightly

After having cleared cutoff scores at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and Personal Interview and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD and PI Topics.

Read and develop points for discussion and make sure that you are concluding with conviction.

Most of MBA aspirants are about to face GD PI sessions as these are being conducted by MBA Institutes at present. It is a known fact that MBA entrance examinations have lesser weightage whereas GD PI is having more percentage of weightage to the extent of 70% hence, GD PI is the most crucial stage for MBA admission.

GD PI is meant for testing your soft skills in areas of verbal communication, body language, attitude and overall personality and in absence of any syllabus for this soft skill test GD PI looks very subjective and this is the area of concern for the candidates as they might take GD PI lightly. Although it is a hard fact that in GD PI it is a complete communication process which leads you in overall allotted time in GD. But on the contrary you are positively tested for the other skills as mentioned above.

It may not be essential to take a lead in GD or make a loud voice to make your point emphatically but even if you speak politely with analytical minded inferences, even then you can be successful in GD.

It is GD which plays the foundational role for the candidates to face PI successfully. In PI you are likely to be asked questions based on your GD and that really reflects on your overall personality.

With GD PI the admission panel exposes you to the critical reasoning and understands you as a personality with a deep understanding whether you can be transformed as a future budding manager or not ?

It is GD PI where even the best of the communicator can fumble because of lack of soft skills. How come this happens ?

This can happen because of over confidence or lack of practice or superficial thinking.

GD PI is a platform which is a golden opportunity for the candidates to market yourself. In the context of soft skills you would be able to express yourself as a personality who is keen to learn and very quick to maneuver with positivity and having a great “can do attitude”

GD PI session can be very tricky for few candidates who although have scored a very high percentile in MBA entrance exam but on the contrary are getting frightened at this point of a time. Which can be mainly because of fear psychosis or lack of aptitude.

Candidates who continue to update and read Newspapers, Magazines and understand socio-political issues in global context can be successful in GD PI.

To read 200+ GD PI topics click here

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