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Discipline and National Character differentiates us from first world countries.

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The most important resource that is essential for nation building is not money, not big buildings but people. People form the backbone of any country and give it its distinct character.  With the world shrinking, as more and more people of different countries interact with each other and migrate to each other's countries, each country is becoming a melting pot undergoing changes in its national character.

A. National character is the unique characteristics and life styles found among the population of a country. While some countries such as Japan and Russia have a unified national character, with consistency in language, culture, cuisines, others such as India have diverse national character and it is very difficult to point a particular thing (language, religion, cuisine and so on) that is common to the entire country.

B. Discipline is that essential trait that binds people together in spite of their differences and aligns them to the national goals. Discipline in people ensures effective utilization of resources, implementation of laws, communal harmony and nation's prosperity.

C. Japan, for instance, is known for its culture of discipline and hard work. It is a testimony to the collective will and discipline of the Japanese people that despite being devastated in World War II, they quickly recovered and became one of the leading economies of the world and are, today, counted as one of the 'first world countries.' People, there, are focused and strive to achieve excellence collectively.  They have a unified national character too, as people, language, culture, ethos, cuisines, are consistent across the country.

D. India, on the other hand, is a land of diversity. It's a heterogeneous society, where people from different castes, colour, religion come together to give India a vibrant, dynamic and unique national character. We are a society where EID and Christmas are celebrated with the same zeal as Diwali and Holi. Such diversity is hard to find anywhere else in the world and, therefore, differentiates us from the rest of the world.

E. Each state of India can be a country in itself, such is the diversity of the country. And yet, the fact that we coexist harmoniously and contribute in the development of the nation is a testimony to the spirit of India.

F. The spirit of India rests in the remarkable unity displayed by the people across religions, especially during times of calamity and wars. The unique national character of India is also its source of power and gives it an edge in the world. No other country can boast of such heterogeneity. While this does pose some problems, especially in administration but binding such diverse group of people together is also a proof of India's strong secularist and democratic credentials.
G. However, discipline is one problem that plagues countries such as India. It is very easy to find people jumping queues, spitting on the streets, disobeying traffic rules, disregarding others' needs and so on.
H. But, it is fair to say that people in 'first world countries' have to struggle less as most of their systems are well developed and organised. The system encourages them to be disciplined. In contrast, people in developing countries face and battle the system, which is hostile, every day. In addition to this, people in 'third world' or developing countries live in extreme poverty and each day is a battle for survival for them. In such a scenario, it is unfair to expect absolute discipline from them.

I. I think that 'first world countries' too require discipline. They are called 'first world' in relation to the 'third world.' Their development has, more often than not, come at the cost of the developing countries as they are in a better position to exploit resources.

J. Also,' first world countries' are known to be big consumers. If they practice discipline and use their resources judiciously, the developing countries will follow their example.
Discipline will go a long way in helping the country reap the advantages of the unique national character and contribute to development.

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