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We and us are more important than I and U.

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GD Topic
Post MBA exam results, Group Discussion will be crucial for MBA admission so it is advised to read and practice with variety of topics. In following GD topic, you will be getting some points with divergent views which you can pick up and develop.  Today, you will read GD topic: 
We and Us are more important than I & U
There’s this famous saying that everyone learns as a child, “United we stand, divided we fall”. 
This saying stands true in every walk of life. Interestingly, most people while on the paths of greed and animosity forget this statement completely. It is only when you work as a team that you can walk the path of success. Nobody achieves anything walking alone.
A very famous example that will explain this would be the fight for freedom that most nations across the world have undergone. Was it the fight of a single person that gave them freedom?
No, it was the collective efforts of many people along with their sacrifices that got them freedom. Freedom from apartheid was not due to the resistance put up by Nelson Mandela alone. 
It was his fight along with his people that got him this freedom to a great extent. Even today, people are fighting against apartheid in some small corners of the world.
When the revolt of 1857 happened in India, it was just the beginning of the freedom fight for India. So, was it Mahatma Gandhi who single handed got India freedom? 
No, it was again a lot of interruptions and, a lot of sacrifices that many people gave which got India freedom. A film cannot be dependent on the producer or the director along. 
It is the collective efforts of the different artists involved in making the film that contributes to its success.
One can take the example of every walk of life and, there would be a collective effort that gave birth to something new or some kind of success. 
The “We” and the “Us” are indeed important aspects of life. Yes, the I and You are very important to but, just to make the We and Us.
You are a part of the whole that sums up the various areas of life but, you alone are not going to create the whole.
So, while you give importance to individuality don’t forget that it takes a group to create success. A single person can imagine success, a group can create it
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