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We are good at passing the buck
After having been shortlisted on the basis of analytical skills in entrance exams , you will tested for communication skills, attitudinal skills  and all MBA aspirants will have to undergo with Group Discussion( GD ) which is  very crucial part of MBA selection process.
Read on GD Burning topic: We are good at passing the buck
It is not always that we witness people acting in an irresponsible manner; in fact, there are a number of people who are civic-minded, who take communal affairs into their own hands. 
However, there are more irresponsible than responsible people in this world, which is why we have the general perception that ‘people are good at passing the buck’. 
In November 2013, a mid-day meal tragedy occurred at Anjuman Noorul Islam School in Mumbai, where 493 children became ill after consuming cupcakes. Sadly, no one took responsibility for the tragedy – the management of the school pushed the blame to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), the agency that implemented the mid-day meal, and the BMC pushed the blame to the bakery that supplied the cupcakes.
In addition, the school also blamed the Parivartan Mahila Mandal, which supplied mid-day meals to the school, for not carrying out quality check on the food. It is depressing to note that no agency was taking the responsibility for the tragedy. 
One of the reasons why people are able to blame others instead of taking responsibility is because rules and regulations are unclear – the rule book is complicated and does not state clearly on the roles and responsibilities of agencies and parties. 
This is just one of the many incidents in which the lack of responsibility of the citizens has come to light. In the last few months, when the price of onions was on the rise, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal announced that the price of onions had nothing to do with the government. He added that the media should find out from the traders if the price of onions would increase further. 
This is how the government passes the buck. The government, instead of taking matters into its own hands and trying to come up with policies to reduce the price of onions, seems to be nonchalant about the issue.
However, not everyone in the world shudders at the thought of taking responsibility. In India, non-governmental and non-profit organizations are mushrooming in every city because there are people who are concerned about the welfare of low-income groups. 
Teach For India is a non-profit organization that recruits qualified college graduates and working professionals to teach in low-income schools. Why did Shaheen Mistri, founder of Teach For India, decide to start this organization? She could have easily passed the buck and claimed that the Indian government should take responsibility for the education system in the country. 
This is the difference between an ordinary citizen and a civic-minded citizen. Instead of blaming people or agencies, Shaheen Mistri took matters into her own hands because she knew that no one would benefit from playing the blame game. 
And today, because of this organization, thousands of children have managed to gain quality education, which would not have been possible if people played the blame game.
So, it is not completely true that we are good at passing the buck. There are agencies and individuals who are only concerned about their well-being and not others’ welfare, but there are also considerate human beings who are willing to go the extra mile for the betterment of the society. 
Although there may be fewer people in the latter category as compared to the former, the impact of the deeds of these few Good Samaritans is not negligible.
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