Published : Wednesday, 1 April , 2015 11:47 AM
After having cleared cutoff scores at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.
Read and develop points for discussion and make sure that you are concluding with conviction.
Read GD Topic:
Read and develop points for discussion and make sure that you are concluding with conviction.
Read GD Topic:
We must not show apathy towards VIP racism
Time-30 minutes
The sight of roads being barricaded several hours before a VIP is to cross that area is a common sight on Indian roads. Life comes to a standstill until the VIP departs. In a country which prides itself as being a democratic country governed by representatives elected by the people of the country through a fair and democratic election process, giving special concessions or privileges to a few people only because they hold powerful positions is a gross injustice and a travesty of equality and democracy.
The VIP culture or 'VIP racism', as it is being strongly called in the media, is nothing but an acne on the image of India.
Not only does the high handed attitude of people who occupy significant positions cause inconvenience to public but also the valuable resources spent on ensuring their privileges prove to be a great burden on the country. Sadly, it is the indifference and tolerance of the common man that keeps the VIP culture alive in our country.
A.The VIP culture that is so intrinsic to our system signifies nothing but a rampant abuse of power. Anyone who is in a position to wield some kind of power or anyone who is connected to such a person thinks of himself as a VIP. The people who are in powerful positions are there to look after the citizens of the country but once they reach that stage, they lose sight of the nobler purposes of power and, instead, tend to show their power off.
B. Also, accompanying the VIP culture is a culture of sycophancy. The VIPs are invariably surrounded by sycophants, whose job is to please the VIP at all costs and keep him happy, even if that means discomfort to the public at large.
C.In India, VIP culture is omnipresent as elected officials, bureaucrats, high ranking police and military officials flash red beacons and blow sirens to intimidate the common man. These become status differentiators, so much so that, the number of security men on guard, the number of pilot vehicles in the convoy, signify the power that the person wields. This, when the founding fathers of independent India shunned pompous security and stayed away from the trappings of power.
D. In a democracy, nobody is above the law. But this maxim does not seem to apply to our VIPs who feel that they are higher mortals and deserve special treatment. This naturally implies that all those who don't have access to such special treatment are inferior beings.
E. The common man bears the burden of giving special privileges to a VIP. Despite being woefully short of personnel, over 45000 policemen guard over 13000 VIPs across India. This not only compromises the security of the ordinary citizen of the country (1 policeman for over 700 citizens), incurs high costs (over 600 crore annually) but also creates a distance between the elected representative and the citizens. Not only security, VIPs also have access to a lot of privileges and freebees-free accommodation, free calls, subsidised food and so on.
F. Power should be used with restraint. Only a limited number of VVIPs should be given privileges because it's a fact that they discharge important responsibilities in looking after the state or country and also face more risk than a common man. India needs to take a cue from developed countries such as the UK and the US where only constitutional heads such as the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court Chief Justice are provided security at the government expense.
G. It should not be forgotten that the special treatment is reserved only for the special offices they hold, not the individual.
H. I think citizen's apathy is responsible, to a large extent, for the flourishing VIP culture. If the citizens get together to demand an end to all special treatment accorded to people other than constitutional heads and raise their voice, the government will be forced to take note and implement the necessary changes. For instance, a political party in Delhi, AAP promised to end VIP culture and were rewarded by the Delhi public. Harish Salve's (senior advocate) petition in Supreme Court in February 2013 complaining about the abuse of power and public resources by VIPs is a brave attempt to end this nuisance.
It is a fact that the ordinary citizens face the brunt of 'VIP racism' and only they can fight against this menace by raising their voice.
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