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Management lessons from Dabba Walas of Mumbai

Management lessons from Dabba Walas of Mumbai

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Management lessons from Dabba Walas of Mumbai
 MBA aspirants must be updated with General Awareness on current topics. General awareness topics with analytically drawn conclusions will benefit you in Essay writing   / GD & PI. Today, you will read General Awareness Topic:
Management lessons from Dabba Walas of Mumbai
Mumbai is the financial capital of India and has a number of corporate offices and commercial complexes. The city, home to hundreds of reputed colleges, is also an education hub. 
Therefore, it is not surprising to note that there are close to 4,000 dabba walas in Mumbai, who supply lunch to over 150,000 people daily. Lunch is packed into dabbas by housewives and delivered door to door by dabba walas in trains, buses, bikes and cycles. This system is known all over the world as one of the most ingenious meal distribution systems. 
The reason why this system is popular is because food supplied by dabba walas is more nutritious than food available in commercial complexes and colleges. In addition, this food is cheaper than food available in food courts, canteens and restaurants. 
Moreover, dabba walas always deliver food and collect dabbas after lunch promptly. Even in extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rains, dabba walas manage to uphold the policy of punctuality.
In fact, the accuracy rate of dabba walas is 99.999 percent, for which Forbes has awarded the dabba walas a six sigma performance rating.
To ensure that food reaches the consumers on time, dabba walas coordinate with schedules of relevant trains. Every day, dabba walas collect dabbas or lunch boxes from various homes and load these boxes into the goods or luggage compartment in trains. 
Once the train reaches the destination, these dabbas are unloaded and re-arrangement of dabbas takes place, based on the destination of the lunch boxes. 
Each lunch box is assigned a unique number and it is placed in a batch for delivery. The dabba wala loads his batch of dabbas onto his bicycle and delivers these boxes.
Every dabba wala is part of a larger chain and one mistake committed by a dabba wala can affect the entire distribution system. Time management is crucial for the success of the dabba wala system. 
Once the lunch time is over, between 1:15pm and 2pm, dabba walas collect the lunch boxes from offices and meet at a central point for the segregation of lunch boxes, as per the location of homes and residential estates.
Once the lunch boxes are sorted, they are loaded into the trains. And after the train reaches the destination, lunch boxes are sorted once again based on the delivery areas. Dabba walas then return the lunch boxes to the respective homes.
In the dabba wala system, operational costs are kept at the minimum level. Only bicycles, carts, and local trains are used for delivery. Dabba walas do not rely on advertisements for publicity; their services are known to people by word of mouth. 
Even though the dabba wala system is one of the most efficient distribution systems in the world, the monthly service cost is only Rs 200. The only investments that go into this system are hard work, timeliness, and honesty.
 They believe in customer satisfaction and they give their best to making that possible. This is something that all organizations can learn.
Dabba walas of Mumbai have proved to the world that one need not be literate to offer world class service. Close to 85 percent of the dabba walas are illiterate and they do not even have watches to ensure that deliveries are done on time. Yet, they make the impossible a living reality.
For the dabba wala system to be successful, everyone’s cooperation is required – housewives need to prepare food and pack it into boxes before dabba walas arrive, dabba walas should deliver the food on time, and recipients of lunch boxes should complete their meals and keep empty lunch boxes ready for collection on time. 
Everyone in the system should be disciplined. Even the management team that oversees the dabba wala system ensures that dabba walas adhere to the dress code and follow the rules of the organization. 
Dabba walas have more than 30 years of experience; this shows that honest and hardworking individuals are rewarded and not taken for granted. 
For an organization to be successful, it has to reward productive employees. And this way, trust between employees, the management and customers will stay intact and business will grow.
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