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GMAT Score Calculator

GMAT Score Calculator, GMAT Exam Score


GMAT Score Calculator

The GMAT score is determined by its percentile ranking. The percentile is calculated on the basis of three full years of tests. A percentile ranking indicates the percentage of test-takers who scored at or below a particular score. The percentiles help you understand how you compare with other recent test takers. It also helps you understand about the other aspirants. After having the GMAT, the aspirants need to decide whether or not to keep their scores. Those who choose to keep their scores are able to view the total scaled score along with the separate Verbal and Quantitative scaled scores. Those who choose to cancel cannot view any scores.

 Following is the list of total scaled scores and the corresponding percentile rankings.

Total Scaled Score
Scaled Score Percentile Scaled Score Percentile
760-800 99 520 36
750 98 510 34
740 97 500 31
730 96 490 29
720 94 480 27
710 92 470 25
700 89 460 22
690 87 450 20
680 84 440 18
670 83 430 16
660 80 420 15
650 77 410 13
640 72 400 12
630 71 390 11
620 67 380 10
610 64 370 9
600 61 360 8
590 58 340-350 6
580 54 330 5
570 51 310-320 4
560 48 280-300 3
550 45 250-270 2
540 42 220-240 1
530 38 200-210 0
Verbal Score Quant Score
Scaled Score Percentile Scaled Score Percentile
45-51 99 51-60 97
44 98 50 88
42 96 49 79
41 94 48 74
40 91 47 68
39 89 46 66
38 85 45 63
37 83 44 58
36 81 43 56
35 76 42 51
34 71 41 49
33 69 40 47
32 66 39 43
31 61 38 41
30 58 37 40
29 56 36 36
28 51 35 33
27 46 34 31
26 43 33 30
25 38 32 27
24 36 31 24
23 32 30 22
22 30 29 20
21 26 28 19
20 22 27 16
19 19 26 15
18 17 25 13
17 15 24 12
16 12 23 11
15 10 22 9
14 9 20 to 21 8
13 7 19 7
12 5 18 6
11 4 17 5
10 3 14 to 16 4
9 2 13 3
7 to 8 1 10 to 12 2
0-6 0 7 to 9 1
    0-6 0

Integrated Reasoning: The Integrated Reasoning section is scored on a scale of 1 to 8, in one-point increments. This section is not computer adaptive. Since subject experts are involved in the integrated reasoning evaluation process, students cannot view their analytical writing essay on the same day of test. Students who choose to keep their scores receive an official GMAT score report via mail about two weeks later which includes their integrated reasoning score.

IR Score Calculator (On Scale of 0-8)
Score Percentile
8 92
7 81
6 67
5 52
4 37
3 25
2 12
1 0

Analytical Writing Score: Analytical writing essay is separately evaluated by a subject expert and by auto computerized evaluation program on the scale of 0-6. If these scores are same or differ at most by exactly one point, then the final score is being declared as the average of the two scores but if they differ by more than one point then the same is evaluated by another subject expert who gives the final score. Since subject experts are involved in the analytical writing essay evaluation process, students cannot view their analytical writing essay on the same day of test. Students who choose to keep their scores receive an official GMAT score report via mail about two weeks later which includes their analytical writing essay score.

Following is the list of general analytical writing scores and the corresponding percentile rankings.

Analytical Writing Score
Score Percentile
6 92
5.5 81
5 60
4.5 44
4 21
3.5 13
3 6
2.5 5
0.5-2.0 3
GMAT  Cut Off Score of Top Hundred U.S. Universities
S.N. Business Schools GMAT Score GPA
1 Harvard University 730 4
2 Stanford University 730 4
3 Yale University 730 3.5
4 MIT 720 3.6
5 University of Pennsylvania 720 3.6
6 Northwestern University 720 3.6
7 Dartmouth College 720 3.5
8 University of Chicago 720 3.6
9 Columbia University 712 3.5
10 California University(Berkeley) 710 3.6
11 UCLA 710 3.5
12 New York University 710 3.4
13 University of Michigan 710 3.4
14 University of Michigan, Dearborn 703 2.5
15 Duke University 700 3.5
16 University of Virginia 700 3.4
17 University of California  (Davis) 700 3.3
18 University of Notre Dame 700 3.4
19 Carnegie Mellon University 700 3.2
20 Cornell University 700 3.3
21 Virginia Tech 700 3.4
22 UNC 700 3.3
23 Washington University (St. Louis) 700 3.5
24 University of Minnesota 694 3.5
25 University of Southern California 690 3.4
26 University of Texas at Austin 690 3.5
27 Boston University 690 3.4
28 Georgetown University 685 3.4
29 George Washington University 685 3.4
30 Brigham Young University 680 3.6
31 Emory University 680 3.3
32 University of California (Irvine) 680 3.6
33 University of Washington 680 3.4
34 Ohio State University 680 3.4
35 Arizona State University 680 3.3
36 University of Wisconsin 680 3
37 Georgia Institute of Technology 680 3.3
38 Rice University 680 3.4
39 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 680 3
40 University of Rochester 677 3.5
41 Tulane University 674 3.2
42 University of Maryland 670 3.3
43 Vanderbilt University 670 3.4
44 University of Iowa 666 2.5
45 Boston College 662 3.3
46 Purdue University 660 3.5
47 Indiana University 660 3.3
48 University of Florida 660 3.5
49 University of Central Florida 660 3.5
50 University of Illinois 650 3.4
51 Penn State University 650 3.5
52 University of Missouri 650 3.5
53 Iowa State University 650 3.4
54 Wake Forest University 650 3.2
55 Pepperdine University 650 3.2
56 Texas A&M University 646 3.4
57 Michigan State University 645 3.3
58 Southern Methodist University 643 3.2
59 University of Georgia 640 3.4
60 University of Alabama 640 3.4
61 University of Miami 638 3.3
62 Rutgers University Newark & New Brunswick 638 3
63 University of South Carolina 630 3.2
64 Babson College 624 3.2
65 University of Connecticut 620 3.5
66 Temple University 620 3.5
67 University of Hawaii 618 2.8
68 University of Arizona 610 3.4
69 University of Pittsburgh 610 3.3
70 University of Vermont 606 3
71 San Diego State University 606 3
72 Louisiana State University 600 3.4
73 Case Western Reserve University 600 3.3
74 Creighton University 600 3
75 Duquesne University 590 3
76 University of Massachusetts, Boston 587 3.4
77 University of the Pacific 582 3.2
78 Loyola University Maryland 581 3.5
79 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg 570 3
80 University of Nevada, Reno 565 3
81 Oregon State University 560 3
82 Clarkson University 560 3
83 Florida Atlantic University 550 3
84 University of Salisbury 550 3
85 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 547 3
86 Oklahoma State University 540 3
87 Pace University 539 3
88 Howard University 539 3
89 University of Portland 537 3
90 East Tennessee State University 535 3
91 St. Mary's University 525 3
92 University of Toledo 525 3
93 Mississippi State University 510 3
94 University of Scranton 510 3
95 Georgia Southern University 510 3
96 Suffolk University 508 3
97 Bellarmine University 501 3
98 Cleveland State University 500 3
99 Mercer University 494 3.3
100 Georgia College & State University 441 3.3

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