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Reading Editorials & Novels might enrich your vocabulary

good speakers and writers skills, Vocabulary Skills

The one thing that distinguishes an impressive and effective speaker from the ordinary ones is vocabulary.  Using words while speaking is one thing, but to know several words to replace a particular word without altering the intended meaning, requires an expansive vocabulary. Having a good vocabulary range is essential for people who wish to build their language skills and be known for being good speakers and writers of the language. Also, a limited vocabulary is a sign of weak language skills, especially in today’s world, where impressive communicators rule the roost.

A person’s mind is most fertile when he/ she is young. The ability to and speed to acquire new words is at its peak during this time. With time and age, it becomes slightly difficult to learn new words at a fast speed. It becomes that much more important for people to surround themselves with resources that increase your vocabulary. Reading newspapers, editorials, magazines, novels or any literature in that language will surely enrich your vocabulary.

1. Editorials
Editorials are articles in newspapers and magazines through which the editors express their opinions on various issues. These editors and publishers are excellent speakers of the language, part of the reason they occupy the position, so whatever they say should be received well by the people. A person who wants to learn new words should incorporate the reading of editorials on a regular basis in his/ her schedule. Even if the person does not agree with views expressed in the editorial, he/ she must pay attention to the language used and learn from it, in particular, the words.

2. Novels
Literature is an incredible source to enrich one’s thoughts, imagination and vocabulary. Novels, a popular genre of literature, manifest the use of an impressive vocabulary by authors. It includes words that you might not have heard before, that may not be frequently used in ordinary communication, that represent a special use of the language, and so on. Here, it is important to add that not all authors, whose books are available in the market, will enrich your life. There are authors whose can positively impact your thought process and enrich your vocabulary. Such authors have a flair for the language and in their hands, language takes a whole new dimension. 

3. Dictionary
Reading new words will amount to nothing if you don’t take the trouble of opening up a dictionary to scout for the meaning of the words you encounter while reading. Making friends with the dictionary is a good habit and will aid the acquisition of new words in your vocabulary.


4. Use vocabulary
The words that you add to your vocabulary by reading various materials will fade into oblivion if you do not reinforce them by using them regularly. Make a conscious effort to replace words that you may have used otherwise with the new words that you have added to your vocabulary.

It is always suggested to develop a reading habit irrespective of age, as it is one thing that keeps youyoung and benefits you immensely.

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