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Heralding a new era in Indian athletics - supported by IFIM Business School, Bangalore

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Heralding a new era in Indian athletics - supported by IFIM Business School, Bangalore
 Published : Saturday, 18 October, 2014 04:00 PM
IFIM Business School supports India’smost ambitious athletic talent hunt,
GAIL-The Fastest Indian – to identify and develop Olympic level sprinters
Hunt for next Milkha Singh to spread across 19 cities and events will nurture dreams to win laurels for the country in 2020 Olympic Games
Heralding a new era in Indian athletics with the potential to produce Olympic-level sprinters, GAIL (India) Limited in association with Spoment and IFIM Business School has announced the launch of the country’s most ambitious sports talent hunt GAIL-The Fastest Indian (GAIL TFI) to identify, groom and develop champions who can win laurels for the country.
IFIM Business School
Legendary athleteand ‘Padmashri’ awardee ShriMilkha Singh will be the principal mentor for the annual event and help select and groom potential winners.
GAIL-TFI will conduct events across 19 cities reaching over 3000 schools. Young boys and girls in the age group 12 to 14 years will receive an opportunity to compete for the title of ‘GAIL-The Fastest Indian’. Winners from the various cities would be invited for the finals scheduled for December 14, 2014 in Bengaluru.
IFIM Business School, Bangalore, one of the top business schools in the country has associated itself with this event to encourage and support young talent. IFIM will be providing scholarships and education for the winners of this event up to their post graduation level. IFIM’s vision is to nurture holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals. Aligning itself with the vision statement, IFIM decided to sponsor the education of these children so as to allow these runners to just focus on their training and not have to worry about their future. They would also receive specialized training from renowned national and international sports trainers.
At IFIM, the focus is not just on academics but also to develop a holistic personality for the student, which involves wellness and lifestyle activities. IFIM’s students undergo extensive transformation through the Personality Enhancement Program (PEP). IFIM’s PEP course is a unique initiative amongst business schools in India. 
Mr. Sanjay Padode, Secretary of IFIM Group of Institutions said, “ In line with the vision of our institutions, we have always helped our students from all over India to realize their potential and be useful citizens. Partnering GAIL- TFI is an initiative towards going a step further in building the talent and image of our country. We are very proud of this association and glad that we can actually sponsor the education of these talented children.” 
In the words of Dr. MadhumitaChatterji, Director of IFIM Business School- “ Sports is an important part of a student’s life right from school to college level. It’s not just about fitness; it’s about inculcating the spirit of healthy competition and discipline in one’s life. At IFIM, we help our students to become not just industry ready but also to be ready for the competitive life ahead. It’s an honor for us to be able to help these talented children who are the bright future of India”. 
According to ShriDarshan M, Director, Spoment, “GAIL-The Fastest Indian is much more than talent hunt, it’s a dream for Indian sports. It is an ambitious attempt to discover, groom and develop Olympic level Indian athletes.” 
While the first edition of GAIL-TFI will cover 19 cities, it will be expanded over time to reach all 800 districts of the country, thus becoming the world’s largest ever athletics talent competition.
The other partners who are making this dream possible include Manipal Hospitals (Medical Partner), sportskeeda.com (Digital Media Partner), Icongo (Social Justice Partner), Croma (Promotions Partner), Fox Mandal (Knowledge Partner), rightticket.in (Official Partner), CII Yi (Outreach Partner) and Unibic (Official Cookie Parner).
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