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M-BRACE Management Conclave organised by TAPMI

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M-BRACE Management Conclave organised by TAPMI

The students and faculty of TAPMI Institute witnessed ‘M-BRACE’, a management conclave organized by the Marketing and General Management cell of the institute on October 13 and 14, 2012.

It was an initiative to enhance effectiveness of potential business leaders. Following the lighting of the lamp and a prayer, Professor Chowdari Prasad gave the key-note speech and spoke about how TAPMI has grown over the years and is continuously growing, thus shaping leaders in the students. The chief guest of the event Mr. Sreekanth, Vice President, HR Britannia spoke on ‘Leadership for tomorrow’. 
He introduced to the audience, the concept of ‘tipping point’. He illustrated to the audience the ‘key for causes of success.’ He gave examples from his personal experience about how people can learn to be good leaders and also re-introduced us to few exceptional leaders.
The introduction was followed by a panel discussion on ‘Managing expectations of young entrepreneurs’. It was opened by Mr. Gagan Bhargava, Group Head HRD, NDTV, who is an alumnus of TAPMI. He started the discussion by speaking about the young generation in organisations bringing about sector convergence in today’s world. Mr. Vishnu Iruvanti, Head Recruitment, Myntra added on to the discussion by appreciating the intellect existing in today’s younger generation. He mentioned that for a budding professional, more than skill, a holistic development of attitude and adaptability is needed to grow in today’s corporate world.
Prof. Animesh Bahadur, faculty of TAPMI carried forward this discussion stressing on striking a balance between the extremities encountered, how we are being controlled by structures and systems and soul searching one should engage oneself in, to find the young leader within oneself. The discussion emphasized that the outcomes are lot less important than young leaders collaborating in teams to achieve the shared organizational goals. The panel strongly agreed that one should never compromise on ethical values and stressed the importance of humility. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Col P. S James.
Day 2 began with a series of guest lectures. Mr. S. Mohanraj, VP-HR, Manipal Technologies spoke on ‘Relevance of HR functions in an organization – its inferences and imperatives’ .  He enlightened the audience upon the education system and how it plays a fundamental and critical role in inculcating values in an individual through its rigor of the course.  Mr. Vishnu Iruvanti, Head of Talent Acquisition at Myntra, who has been associated with companies like Citrix, Microsoft, Oracle and Yahoo, was on the campus of T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, to enlighten the students about how the definition of leadership has changed over the years and the attributes that the leaders must possess in this age. 
Mr. Iruvanti started off by telling the management students how the dynamics of management had changed from the Victorian era, over the Industrialization and the Information Communication eras, to the Social era in which we are currently living. He then went on to elaborate the definition of a leader as someone who possesses the ability to make other people follow him/her. A successful leader must always try to create an ambience of openness, transparency, sharing and empowerment; an ambience where everyone strives towards the greater good of the organisation as a whole. It was an interactive session which served to enhance the knowledge of the students regarding the changing dimensions of leadership.
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