MBA aspirants, who are appearing in MAT on 21 MAY 2023 (Sunday) (PBT), 14 MAY 2023 (Sunday) (CBT - 1) and 04 JUNE 2023 (Sunday) (CBT - 2) may find following useful as last Minutes Tips:
The timings for the exam are 10.00am to 12.30pm for paper based test and for the computer based test, it will take place in different slots depending on the specific centers.
With just few days left for MAT, it is advised to utilize the time left by working on your strongest area instead of trying anything new. Few last minute tips are provided here.
We hope these last minute tips for MAT 2023 Exam will be helpful:
Keep yourself updated
Updated mind can crack anything. MAT 2023 is one of the most important examination strategies that one should keep himself/herself updated about the latest events and current affairs.
In order to do so, read newspapers, watch TV news on daily basis and which will enhance and update your knowledge. This is the most important preparation strategy as far as working on your Current Affairs is concerned. If you are studying for MBA entrance exam, you must thoroughly read the newspaper daily.
Keep an eye of developments in the corporate world
One should have a great knowledge of Indian & Global Environment for a separate Section in order to crack MAT 2023. To do so one has to read newspapers, magazines, and watch business channels to keep you abreast of developments in the corporate world.
Prepare, Organize and revise notes regularly
The best way to revise is to revise through your notes you prepared while preparing for MAT 2023.
Preparing notes helps in the revision process and it also helps you in recalling the things you've learnt in the past. It is time to go through to all your notes and don't get stuck to any particular topic.
Sections with Questions in MAT exam covers five sections in all
The five sections are basically comprised of the following five papers:
Paper 1 : Language Comprehension
Paper 2 : Mathematical Skills
Paper 3 : Data Analysis
Paper 4 : Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Paper 5 : Indian & Global Environment Section
On the day of exam
- Stay confident
- Don’t waste time on one single question. Ensure that you complete the exam paper in 2 hour 30 minutes, so that you have enough time to revise and look for mistakes.
MBA aspirants require few tips to crack MAT
Although for those who have attempted earlier may sound repetitive but for fresher, following tips must work to crack MAT exam:
- Be very sure of your answer before proceeding
- Do not get bogged down with complicated or lengthy calculations
- Use guessing intelligently and deploy the Selection by elimination method
- Learn how to work backwards, i.e., plugging the most attractive option in the question and see if it makes sense
- Convert quantities freely like ¼ is nothing but 25% of any given quantity.
- In questions that ask you to select a valid conclusion, always choose the one conclusion that must definitely follow from the information you are given and vice-versa.
- Pay special attention to words like “all,” “some,” or “none” when you read the factual information each question gives you
- Pay attention to negative prefixes also, such as non-, un-, or dis-
- Pay special attention to negative numbers when they are used in some questions
- Pay close attention to the word “ONLY” and to the phrase “IF AND ONLY IF”
- Don’t stick to one question for too long
- Aim to answer as many questions as you can
Stay informed, Stay ahead and stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous
MBA Rendezvous wishes you all the best for 21 MAY 2023 (Sunday) (PBT), 14 MAY 2023 (Sunday) (CBT - 1) and 04 JUNE 2023 (Sunday) (CBT - 2)!!