Publsihed: Saturday, 3 June, 2017 10:20 AM
Avoid sounding self centered in PI
A Personal Interview is not a platform for you to boast about your achievements. You are expected to share your achievements with your interviewer but at the same time, you are expected to show humility.
No individual can accomplish great things alone. So, always make it a point to acknowledge the assistance of those who have helped you to reach where you are today.
If you received the support of your parents, lecturers or peers, inform the interviewer that you are thankful for the help of your well-wishers.
Projects in business schools and in the workplace are mostly in teams and groups. So, the Personal Interview is a platform to show how well you can work in teams.
A person who is self centered is only focused on himself and does not look at the overall welfare of the group. This is not what business schools are looking for in a candidate.
Successful organizations have teams that share a common goal. People have strengths and weaknesses, and by working in a group, there is a conglomeration of strengths of various individuals, which results in the success of a project or an organization.
As a business leader, you are required to encourage your subordinates and focus on the collective good. This is what interviewers are looking out for.
Apart from sharing your achievements and goals, also inform your interviewer how you would like to contribute to the business school.
This will increase your chances of admission into the school. Many graduates give back to the school and the community by providing funds or scholarships for poor students.
You can do the same. This shows that you are not just concerned about your success but also the success of the business school you are about to enroll in.