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Symbiosis Institute of Business Management celebrates Management Day

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Published : Wednesday, 25 February, 2015 12:32 PM
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management Bengaluru (SIBM-B) hosted “Management Day” on 23rd February, 2015. SIBM-Bengaluru, established in 2008 as a part of Symbiosis International University, has in the seven years of its establishment, carved out a niche for itself in the field of business education. This has been made possible with the full support and guidance of the Symbiosis International University.

The ceremony was inaugurated by the Director of SIBM Bengaluru Dr. Rajesh Panda. He gave emphasis on work life balance. He also said that corporate life is just a part of our life. It depends upon us which way we take it forward.This celebration was further enhanced by the presence of Mr. Hemant Rupani, Vice President, Sales, Britannia Industries and Mr.A.N.Rao, Senior Vice President, Cognizant. Mr.Hemant Rupani in his address to the batch talked about the corporate world. He depicted the corporate world on the basis of six short stories. It was quite interesting to listen about the world in which the students would one day go. He also emphasized on the positives of networking. Networking is quite important for any organization. He also quoted that if you are not networking, you are not working.ss
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

The next speaker, Mr.A.N.Rao, talked about failure. He was of the view that we should make mistakes as we learn from our mistakes. Mistakes or failure often play an important role in our lives. It depends upon us how we take it. He also shared his insights on career development. He said career is not something that can be decided and that it happens over a period of time.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

The outgoing students were appreciated by the Deputy Director, Prof A. Vidyasagar for all the efforts that they had put in and for the laurels that they brought to SIBM, Bengaluru. He urged the students to always stay inquisitive and childlike and live life to the fullest. He presented his heartiest congratulations to the outgoing batch for entering the corporate world and advised them to maintain a balance between their careers and personal life.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

This was followed by the award ceremony in which students were felicitated for excellence in both the academic and the non - academic arenas. This was accompanied by the appointment of the new Student Council for the session 2015-16.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

Praveen Kochattil, the newly appointed Student President said, “There will be calm days and stormy nights, treasure of knowledge and opportunities. I, as a student representative of not just the student council but the whole batch of 2014-2016, promise to carry the legacy passed on to us by our seniors to take our institution to greater heights.”
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

Snehdeep Singh Kalsi, the newly appointed Student Vice President said, “SIBM Bengaluru is unique in the sense that it is a student driven college, where every event on the campus is conceptualized, organized and executed by the Student Council, headed by the Student President and Student Vice President. This gives the students an opportunity to bring to practice all that they learn in their classrooms. With the various platforms that the institute provides for the students to interact with the corporate and other students across all the B schools in the country, their true potentials are brought out.
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

On Management Day, we celebrate the achievements of such talented students and the outgoing batch leaves behind the tradition that the incoming student council carries forward. The council acts as a bridge between the students and the management. It works towards creating a sense of belongingness and trying to make every individual feel involved in the journey that he/she is a part of at SIBM Bengaluru.”

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