Published : Monday, 20 April, 2015 12:55 PM
The T.A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) along with the Colorado State University – College of Business (CSU) organized the First International Conference in Finance on April 17 and 18, 2015. The Conference is an attempt of TAPMI to promote quality research in India by associating with Colorado State University, a like-minded AACSB accredited B-School from the United States.
The conference is designed to encourage a high level of interaction among participants to exchange ideas and provide feedback. Prof. Ghon Rhee, Shidler Distinguished Professor of Finance and Editor of the Pacific Basin Finance Journal, University of Hawaii, USA and Prof. Renee Adams, Professor of Finance, Commonwealth Bank Chair in Finance, University of New South Wales, Australia delivered the key note address to the conference. Prof. Ghon Rhee stressed on the need for research in ‘Penny Stocks’ (stocks trading at very low prices) in Asian markets and Prof. Renee Adams provided insights into female directorships on corporate boards.
The conference invited submissions from researchers conducting research in all areas of finance and around eight high-quality papers were presented. The conference was preceded by a doctoral colloquium where senior professors advised the Ph.D. scholars on conducting contemporary and productive research in the area of finance.
The conference was sponsored by Bombay Stock Exchange Investor Protection Fund. Mr. C. Vasudevan, GM, BSE Investor Protection Fund expressed his pleasure on BSE’s association with the TAPMI-CSU International Conference in Finance and looks forward to associating with TAPMI to promote research in finance.