FORE School of Management emphasizes on student growth through interactive pedagogical techniques, such as case studies, presentations, seminars. All the efforts are student oriented. An initiative taken by the institute to go an extra mile to benefit the students, build personalities that are industry-relevant, knowledgeable about the latest technological advancements and ready to take on the challenges.
First let’s take a look at the Various Centers of Excellence
As committed to student growth, FORE has various centers of excellence devoted to specific attributes. They are as follows:
Center for Entrepreneurship Development
The center has been set up for grooming entrepreneurs by facilitating a favourable environment for their start-ups. For developing entrepreneurial outlook, it is imperative to have a platform to exhibit their abilities. The main idea is to integrate creativity and innovation to have an entrepreneurial mind-set. This center conducts activities related to entrepreneurship throughout the year. Workshops like ‘idea generation to opportunity evaluation’ and ‘business model & plan’ are directed along with seminars on funding to make students aware and capable of developing a ‘Business Plan’.
Center for Psychometric Testing and Research (CPTR)
In a coordinated effort with other reputed institutes, CPTR helps education, research and training in psychometric research. With the in-house trained faculty, the centre conducts research, workshops, management development programs, consultation, training etc. It has executed a research that deals with development of psychometric tests as one of the imperative aspects of people management. The CPTR programs provide effective research and utilization of psychometrics.
Center for Sustainable Development
Established in the year 2012, Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) aims to address the challenges of Sustainable Development in business and society. The centre works with the national and international organizations to acquire the necessary knowledge and various factors affecting the social, economic and environmental aspects of business, society and public policy. They promote and enhance public awareness about the various aspects of sustainable development and social responsibility among student communities as well as with other stakeholders.
CSD has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) under the aegis of The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India for collaborative research, publication, training and exchange of resource for research projects in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Center for Customer Management and Analytics
As the name suggests, this center deals with providing a comprehensive understanding of customer related issues. It achieves so by promoting research, consulting and training in the critical areas of customer understanding, attraction, retention, and loyalty with a distinct focus on Big Data related technologies and AI.
Center for Operations and Supply Chain Management
A platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge through research, consultancy and industry interface in the areas of operations management. The key areas are transportation, supply chain, technology, innovation, research across various industry verticals like power, agriculture, retail and infrastructure. It also discovers operations interface with other functional areas like Finance, HR and Information Technology.
Center for Emerging Markets
The objective of the center is to form and analyze management viewpoints on the emerging markets for research, education and practice in areas such as rural and BoP markets, innovation, public policy, international trade etc. The centre focuses on growth and sustainable development within the setting of rising economies with emphasizes on BRICS economies.
Centers for Digital Innovation
In the age of digitization, emphasize on the study of emerging digital technologies and its influence on business functions, strategies and policy are crucial across various industry segments. The focal point of this center is to impart scholastic approach to furnish research with practice and policy, to strengthen the real experiences of the students.
These centers cover all the major areas contribute towards the sharpening of the students’ skills. Since economy is changing rapidly, it is mandatory to keep abreast with the new concepts and technology to maintain the ‘A’ game.
Student Exchange Program
FORE aims to provide global exposure to the students so that they can encompass the role of global leader and achieve success in their respective fields. The student exchange program not only makes them culturally aware but also culturally intelligent.
The Institute has collaborated with Rennes School of Business, Paris and EBC Business School Paris. On an average 10 – 12 students every year from the FORE School of Management, are sent to these institutes to pursue one whole semester there. Similarly, students from these institutions also study one semester at the FORE School of Management.
‘International Immersion Program’ held at Nanyang Business School, Singapore offers courses which are taught and evaluated by the faculty of Nanyang Business School. For 2018, there are courses like ’Fintech’ as to trace the revolution in financial services industry like Blockchain, Bitcoin etc.
Hence, FORE School of Management strives for the holistic growth of the students through various centers of excellence, International Immersion Program and Student exchange program. All these efforts ensures personality and career enhancement, provided facilitating an experience of lifetime.
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