IIMs and few B schools have replaced GD with WAT. Written Ability Test has become a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication skills and personality, so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA admission process.
Develop points for discussion and read WAT topic:
“Action is the foundational key to all success”
The adage of famous painter Pablo Picasso holds true even today. One does not become successful overnight. It is a gradual process – just like a piece of diamond takes millions of years to form, from a piece of coal. Once we have a particular goal and an outline of the path that will lead us to it, or that will help us to move forward towards it, we need not waste even a single second. We need to act and take things in our hands and shape our own destiny.
We cannot wait for the perfect circumstances, because they shall never fall in our laps one fine day. Successful people act, irrespective of how bleak and unpleasant their present circumstances are. Successful people do not wait or search for perfectly feasible circumstances – they create such situations on their own, because they realise the importance of time, and understand that not even a single second that has been wasted in useless, convoluted thought will ever come back. So there is no use in delaying action.
Procrastination is a natural tendency of man. It is one of the biggest and also one of the silliest reasons behind man’s failure to succeed. The one who realises this fact fast enough, will have the in last laugh. Whereas, the one who lingers and waits for everything to fall in its place on its own, does not know how to transform dreams into reality. His dreams will always remain mere castles in the air – insubstantial and transitory. His dreams and goals will never be able to see the light of day, because he failed to grab the moment and act.
Nothing great has ever been achieved without action, commitment, devotion and resilience. Even when one is not quite sure of the path that one is treading, or the destination that it might lead to, one is better off acting than just giving up. Because having tried/acted and lost is much better than not having made any effort. In the former case, though one would have lost a lot, but one would also have gained immensely – in the form of a valuable and enriching experience.
Moreover, the guilt of not having tried, of not having used one’s resources to reach the goal, will not weigh heavy upon the conscience if one tries and acts. Whether one fails or succeeds solely depends upon whether one acts or continues to wait for better days.
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