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Aim High, And You Won't Shoot Your Foot Off

Aim High, And You Won't Shoot Your Foot Off

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Aim High, And You Won't Shoot Your Foot Off

WAT Topic for MBA 2022

WAT is the Written Ability Test for MBA admission into top B-Schools and IIMs all around India.

  • Are you done writing your CAT (MAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT) exam?
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It’s time to convert those dreams into reality. If you have cleared the cutoff for your favorite college, you must start preparing for MBA WAT Essays and polishing your writing skills. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and all top B-Schools conduct a writing ability test (WAT) or Academic Writing Test (AWT) to check your – General Awareness and Language Skills

The popular IIM WAT Topics 2022 are mostly related to social issues, current affairs, and business and the economy. MBA Rendezvous has listed all the burning WAT Topics for MBA 2022 that can be asked in the WAT round and the Key WAT Tips or information to keep in mind while preparing and appearing for the round. Checkout the  Writing Ability Test Sample and popular writing ability test topics for 2022.

Some of B schools and even IIMs have replaced GD with WAT hence, written ability Test has also become a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process.  
Today, you will read WAT topic: Aim high, and you won't shoot your foot off
Phyllis Diller, an American stand-up comedienne, once said, “Aim high, and you won’t shoot your foot off.” This saying makes sense both literally and metaphorically. Literally, if one were to shoot low, he would risk injuring his foot; so, it is advisable to aim high.
Likewise, in life, we ought to aim high; so, even if we don’t reach our goals, we will not fall too low and jeopardize our lives. When we aim high in life, we are compelled to work hard to achieve those goals – there is no room for laziness or procrastination. On the other hand, if we aim for things that are within our reach, we will not be motivated to work hard. 
What do Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Narayana Murthy, and Sunil Mittal have in common? All of them aimed high to become the greatest industrialists of all time. They did not reach the pinnacle of success in their first attempt but none of them gave up on their dreams too.
They aimed high and worked hard to reach their goals – if they had aimed low, they would not have managed to climb the rungs of corporate success, much less make it to the list of successful industrialists in the world. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist, was absolutely right in saying that, “We aim above the mark to hit the mark.” More often than not, we fall slightly below what we had aimed at. 
So, if we aim low or set no goals in life, we may end up leading a worse life than we are at the moment. It is important to keep challenging ourselves and set difficult goals so that we have a purpose and direction in life.

Life is meaningless without ambitions or goals. So, to lead a fulfilling, happy, and a successful life, it is not only important to have dreams but to have big dreams so that you don’t come tumbling down even if the dreams don’t materialize.

Stay informed, Stay ahead and stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous