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CAT (2018 Result) is Out of the Bag

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CAT Exam Update, CAT (2018 Result) is Out of the Bag

The CAT is out of the bag, literally. The CAT 2018 results have been announced (5th January 2019, 10 AM) and with it, the dreams and aspirations of many have been catapulted towards the ultimate goal – MBA Degree at a college of your choice.

However, the CAT 2018 result is just the tip of the iceberg. The real journey starts now. The question that will pop in your mind is - What NOW after the result? In an idealistic world, we hope everyone gets the 99+ percentile, and they get the college of their dreams. But that is not possible.

We want to take you through all possible scenarios – from a percentile and college perspective –hope you get an answer based on your situation.

Perentie Potboiler

Case 1: 98+ Percentile

Congratulations! You have crossed the first hurdle. You can expect calls from top management schools like the IIMs A, B, C and L, and other top non-IIMs.

It is interesting to note that these colleges shortlist you not only on your CAT 2018 score but also your academic scores in classes X, XII and graduation. The IIMs usually call it the ‘composite score.’ If you have applied for all the top colleges in India, you will most certainly have to pick and choose wisely. It is practically not possible to go through the selection process of all the colleges.

Case 2: 85+ Percentile

Well Done! You have scored pretty decently. If you have good academic scores as well, you can expect a few surprises regarding the calls. You should be confident about getting shortlisted by most tier 1 colleges in India. The sky is your limit.

Case 3: 75+ Percentile

Good Job! You did better than 75 percent of the pupils appearing for CAT 2018. You can expect calls from the tier 2 management schools in India and some tier 1 colleges provided your academic scores are excellent.

In case you do not get a call of your choice, you may contemplate if you want to re-appear for the CAT 2019 exam. While there is time for that, you must concentrate on what you have in front of you if you have other exam scores which are better than the CAT 2018 score you still have a chance to remain active in the game.

Case 4: 65+ Percentile

Don’t Be Disheartened! Everyone is not cut to crack every exam they write. It is not the end of the world, and you may still have other exams that you appeared for and have chances of clearing them with good scores. If IIMs were your goal, then you need to do some introspection as to what went wrong.

If you decide not to settle for a college with a mediocre rating and ranking, you can always start focusing on CAT 2019. But weigh your options well.

Case 5: 55 and Below Percentile

Sorry, But No Sorry! Something went wrong for you. And now instead of brooding over what has happened, it is time to collect yourself and analyze whether you are made for this or no. It is not impossible to turn the tables, but you will need a lot of hard work, sincerity, practice and correct strategy to turn your 55 into 95+.

We leave it best to your judgment.

College Cosmos  

Case 1: Call from the IIMs

This is a dream come true. But like we said, this is just the beginning. Converting a call from the IIMs is not a cake walk. Each IIM has its unique selection process, and they are independent of each other. While some follow the standard WAT-GD-PI process, some have done away with the GD round for good. But be ready for any surprises thrown at you.

You can look forward to the following series of events:

  1. Shortlist: Get a call from an IIM regarding your selection for further rounds. The letter will clearly state the rounds you will have to go through during the selection process
  2. Formalities: Next you will have to book your interview slot and perform a few other formalities online
  3. Interactive Sessions: You will be invited to a meet and greet sessions with college authorities where they will brief you about the admission process and other details
  4. Writing Ability Test: You will be assigned a topic, usually which is currently relevant or of national or global importance. You need to write a 300 to 400 word essay. The time limit is 20 to 30 minutes
  5. Group Discussion: If the particular IIM conducts the GD round, it will usually be between a group of 5-8 people. You will be part of a group, and a topic will be assigned. You will have to discuss around it for 15-20 minutes
  6. Personal Interview: This is the deal breaker or maker. Finally, you get to meet the panel and have a one to one interaction. The panel consists of professors, alumni and members from the leadership. The interviews are usually between 10 to 40 minutes
  7. Final Selection: Based on your performance the final merit list is announced. Each round has a specific weightage
  8. Call Letters: After you have made it through, you will receive call letter confirming your final selection at the college. The moment you have been waiting for.

Case 2: Call from non-IIM colleges

The CAT 2018 score is acceptable by many other colleges in India – tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3. The selection process is independent and unique from the IIMs. However, the basic structure remains the same – WAT-GD-PI. It is interesting to note that some colleges conduct their entrance exam as well apart from the CAT 2018 score and the above rounds.

All the best!

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