TAPMI earns A*** Grading by CRISIL

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TAPMI earns A*** Grading by CRISIL
TAPMI Manipal, an autonomous B-School established in 1980 is ranked very high consistently by the Research agencies  and Business magazines viz: Business Today, Competition Success Review, Outlook, Career 360, The Week etc.
TAPMI is also graded as A*** at National and State (Karnataka) level B – School during the year 2013. This is the highest grade for any B-School in India. CRISIL has reaffirmed this highest grading at both the levels for the third consecutive year.
TAPMI           TAPMI
Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL) established in 1988, a subsidiary of Standard & Poor’s, is an agency primarily engaged in Credit ratings of the Corporates to facilitate financial related decision making. 
In the year 2010, CRISIL diversified into Grading of B-Schools in India and their programmes. As of now 30 B-Schools have been graded at different levels.
In April 2012, TAPMI earned the global accreditation by AACSB- International with the unique distinction of being the only AICTE approved institute in India. Dr R C Natarajan, Director informed that these accreditation and gradings testimony the high quality outcome based management education and research orientation at TAPMI on an ongoing basis.
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