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Grey Revolution in India

Grey Revolution in India

Grey Revolution in India

Essay writing is a tool to test CAT aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of selection process. 

Today you will read Essay on  " Grey Revolution in India” 
Grey Revolution in India is something which we can compare with the two sides of the same coin. There is a community in the country which believes Grey Revolution is the nothing but the sad story of Indian agriculture and farmers whereas the other community relates Grey Revolution with the fastest growing infrastructure of the country. Who can decide which community is right or wrong?
Well, it is better to leave such decisive mattersto individual opinions and we could discuss here the main argument behind Grey revolution in India.
Few people in our country believe that we are moving from green revolution to grey revolution. Through green revolution, we achieved food security and self-sufficiency. It taught how to use high yielding pesticides for better crop growth but as we all know, excess of anything is dangerous, the excessive use of pesticides have also created much more harm than the good we achieved through green revolution.
The state of Punjab and Haryana, which were awarded for the best adaption of green revolution are now fast heading towards desertification – a process that leads to the inability of the lands to sustain the production levels achieved at the height of the green revolution era. Same is the case with states like western Uttar Pradesh, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, whereagriculture faces a severe crisis in sustainability from the second-generation environmental impacts. Intensive farming has destroyed the ability of the lands to produce enough food, and the mining of ground water has pushed the water table to a precarious level. The green revolution has already turned sour.
The changing color of agricultural land from green to gray, due to the deteriorating level of inland water needs a new revolution to turn the table round and nothing but the title “Grey Revolution” suits the situation. And to control this situation, groundwater depletion should be made an essential parameter for any meaningful agriculture reforms. At this point of time when excessive pump-out of underground water has already become a major political issue, the cropping pattern continues to play havoc with the irrigation potential. 
Even the lessons that we learnt from the other contract farming models are proving to be too expensive in terms of water. For instance, the rose cultivation that was introduced in Karnataka a few years back required 212 inches of groundwater consumption in every hectare. Contract farming will, therefore, further exploit whatever remains of the groundwater resources and is no alternative for now.
Thus, agriculture has not only become un-remunerative but also unproductive. To top of it, the process towards corporate control of agriculture is destroying the ability of our land to sustain the crop harvests.Thus, the new agricultural reforms on the anvil will encourage migration from rural to urban centers where the farmers abandon agriculture and start searching menial jobs in cities and end up as rickshaw pullers or daily wage laborers.
On the other hand, we have a segment that describes Gray Revolution as the advancement in the infrastructure due to heavy investments which has led to an upswing in the Indian Economy. With the largest highways construction programin the world, the mushrooming of suburbs, a boom in the retailing and construction industry, and a surge in the demand for homes, no doubt a Grey Revolution is gathering momentum in India. The supporters of this infrastructural revolution advocate the migration of rural unskilled laborers to the cities as they believe they get a better life standard in cities compared to the villages and the source of income for maintaining that standard comes from the same infrastructural grey revolution as projects like these are the lifeline for job creation in a country like India, because they absorb rural labor and unskilled workers and give them a much desired life with better living standard and education facility.
Infrastructural growth like construction of roads, housing projects, developments of public groundwork, etc. have not only boosted our infrastructure growth but our economic development as well. It is a well-known fact that fast growing economies like China is investing tremendously in making roads, railways, ports, etc. and India's investment in these areas is like a small drop compared to Chinese ocean. But still, we have been doing well and have the capacity of doing much better. 
Supporters of Infrastructural Revolution or Gray Revolution say that India did have green revolution which catapulted our food grain production and made itself self-sufficient and that also to an extent that we started exporting our agro-based products to other countries. Similarly we had white revolution which made us self-sufficient in milk production. Now we are experiencing a grey(cement color) revolution which will boost our infrastructure and will make us really a strong economy.
Thus, we could see how two arguments which are essentially different from each other on fundamental grounds, still lead to the same conclusion that in the end it is the development of our country and country people that matters the most.
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