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Self Confidence is Must for Being Successful

Self Confidence is Must for Being Successful

Self Confidence is Must for Being Successful

Essay writing is a tool to test MBA aspirant on assessing overall communication and personality so it is also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process. 

MBARendezvous.com is  providing articles on “Essay Writing" which will certainly help you to clear MBA admission selection   
This article on "Self Confidence is Must for Being Successful” will boost your confidence to be successful in Essay Writing Test: 
Talent is always desirable to be a highly successful and recognized personality. Without quality and diligence, no man on earth can ever expect to succeed in life. But together with the possession of true talent and potential, one needs to have the requisite confidence to deliver one’s qualitative performance that will mark the very foundation of an appreciable and successful career.
Without a having a minimum level of confidence, a person simply cannot expect to achieve the true heights of glory and triumph, no matter how much skillful he or she is or how much hard work is put in by the person concerned.
The primary cause of such a situation is that even if the person is capable of achieving great heights in life, he or she will definitely yield to the pressure and competition which have always been a dominating factor in any form of test or contest.
It is at this particular juncture that the person needs to hold his or her nerves without getting nervous and give his or her best with the required confidence and coolness. 
It is often said that practice makes a man perfect but being confident at the right time is equally significant to fulfill one’s objective and serve the purpose successfully.  
History bears the sole witness of many such daring, valiant and treacherous tasks none of which could have been perfectly implemented without a reasonable amount of confidence and positivity.
For instance, all of us regard the Mughal emperor, Akbar, to be a great ruler and a courageous fighter. But if he did not have the confidence of succeeding his father, Humayun who met a pre- mature death, at a tender age of seventeen years not only to take care of a massive kingdom but also to fight out an extremely powerful and shrewd enemy, Sher Shah Suri, who was both experienced and fierce as an invader, he could have never gone on to become one of the most efficient rulers in the history of India.
Yet another striking example is that of the Queen of Jhansi, Rani Laxmi Bai, who had single handedly shaken up the very platform of the British rulers in her province by waging a deadly battle against them and that too, with her baby tightly tied around her back. But she never seemed to lack the confidence and courage to strike into the very den of the foreign intruders. 
Hence, one always needs to think positively and be optimistic in one’s approach in order to achieve one’s goal successfully and for this; one really has to develop the required level of confidence. Thus, self confidence is must for being successful.

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