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Executive MBA from IIM can Boost your Growth in Present Career

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Executive MBA from IIM

Published : Wednesday, 12 April, 2017 10:00 AM

Executive MBA from IIM can boost your growth in present career

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) is the biggest brand for students wishing to pursue their MBA in India. Getting into any of the IIMs is considered a huge achievement, due to the value it holds in the market. The young graduates, who dream of becoming successful managers and entrepreneurs, look up to IIMs to fulfil their dream. IIMs also come as a boon for working professionals, with years of working experience behind them. For such people, the Executive MBA, offered by the IIMs, proves to be the right trigger to better opportunities.

Boon for working people

Professionals, who, for some reasons, could not finish their masters and started working, or who wish to acquire new knowledge that will give them an edge over their peers, choose the Executive programmes. The Executive MBA is primarily aimed at experienced working professionals. It gives these professionals a chance to go back to the classroom environment, as learners, and gain knowledge that will help them in their workplaces.


The Executive MBA incorporates the same intensity and rigours of a full-fledged two year MBA course. Along with the requisite educational qualifications, applicants need to possess working experience of minimum 2-5 years. It is a full time one year residential program in most IIMs. The curriculum is robust and dynamic, to meet the requirements of forward thinking and creative managers, that the program seeks to produce. In IIM Bangalore, for instance, the program includes innovative content, international immersion, alumni mentoring experience and seminar series.

Career benefits

The Executive MBA is tailor-made for working professionals, who are ready for a defining jump in their careers. It provides mid-career professionals the ideal platform to augment their existing skill sets as they endeavour to armour themselves for senior and top management roles in the industry. Candidates with the relevant experience and typically working as managers, AGMs, and Zonal Heads use the Executive MBA to launch themselves as CEOs, Vice President, GM and Senior Managers. The Executive MBA builds on the work experience of the candidates and is, therefore, much more relevant as well as closer to the practical world.

Boost to present career

The Executive MBA not only provides a window to better opportunities and bigger roles, it also boosts one’s growth in one’s present career. The knowledge and experience provided in the program give a new perspective of looking at one’s present role to the candidate and also adds a new dimension to his career. The IIM brand itself packs a solid punch to the CV of the candidate.

The Executive MBA is specially designed for working professionals and comes as a big boost to their careers and self-advancement.

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