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Latest GD Topic for MBA

Published: Thursday, 8th June, 2017 01:30 PM

Voice Modulation

After the results for CATXAT, IIFT, SNAP, CMAT, MAT and NMAT are out, you are invited for GD and it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.
Read and develop points for discussion on GD Burning topic: Voice Modulation

Going into the top MBA colleges is a dream for many aspirants. Students study very hard to clear the exams and even if they do so, they still have to go through and clear various other processes. After giving the entrance exams, the aspirants are required to give interviews and participate in Group Discussions as it forms the basis to clear the other main rounds. Before the main interview, Group discussions are arranged so as to short list the number of aspirants who would be going to the next round, i.e. Personal interview. While in group Discussion, a student can be judged on various criteria. Not only verbal skills are checked, but the non-verbal skills are also evaluated. Thus, it should be taken very seriously and various factors should be looked onto to for preparing for a Group discussion. 

The Non-verbal skills are the skills in which people communicate by sending and receiving messages that are wordless.  These include the gestures, actions, expressions, etc.
The Verbal communication part includes the pitch of speech, words being used, etc.  Here, Voice Modulation is a decisive key for clearing the group discussions. Voice modulation basically means to setting the right pitch of voice, i.e. neither too high or too low, according to the way the Group Discussion goes ahead.  In a Group Discussion, the panel of judges measures the knowledge of the candidate, his ability to speak the language, pronunciation skills and also how well he is able to speak and gather the attention of other member of the group.
Some areas where voice modulation is required and how it should be required are:
1) If the group discussion becomes chaotic and you are not been able to enter in the GD, then in that case, the candidate should higher the pitch of the voice to start and gather the attention of the other members and then once they are attentive, he must bring to the normal pitch . it is not like shouting first that “guys listen to me!”, but stating with something like “FRIENDS(high), I think………(low)”. i.e. lower the voice to the appropriate level. This will also maintain the decorum of the GD as well as the candidate will be able to give his/ her point.
2) While in the discussion with the group, the pitch of the voice should be lowered as shrill voices usually annoys the other person and will make a wrong impression on the panel of judges in the GD.
3) The use of slangs and the garbage words like ‘umm..’ or ‘uhh’.. should be totally avoided as they are also called speech killers. They interpret the flow and make it less appealing.
4) Another factor concerned with the modulation of voice if the speed of delivering of the speech or speed at which the candidate speaks in the group discussion. It is important that the candidate should speak clearly. It allows the other person to grasp every point in a clear manner.
5) While delivering important phrases, it becomes vital to take pauses on the key or important points. This will communicate the level of importance put on words by the candidate.
6) The appropriate voice level and moments of pause will indicate and specify the importance. Like, when speaking a main and influencing point, then get quieter and raise the voice to the opposite level to show the importance of the content.
7) Shouting is never a opinion for voice modulation in a GD. It will directly cut your ticket
out of the group discussion. So, never ever shout in a GD, even if somebody is proving you wrong or not letting you put your point forward.
WHY voice modulation is required?
Group Discussion is a crucial process for the aspirants who want to take admission in a good MBA college. The panel of judges sitting for a GD looks for various characteristics in a applicant and based on those, takes the final call to select the student or not. This tellsus the importance of the GD process. Voice or Speech modulation thus becomes important for the process as it will be effective in the whole process. Not only it gives confidence to perform, but also helps as an effectual and successful tool to do the work in the right manner.
There should be power and certain level of firmness in the voice apart from the clarity while talking in the GD process. It should not be low as there is no energy left in the applicant rather it should be strong and focused. Tone and Texture of the voice is also a significant factor t be worked upon when preparing for a GD.
Voice modulation is vital for every Group discussion so as to deliver the right thought at the right time and in the right way. One should not be neglected because he/she was not able be speak out his thoughts. Make your presence felt, but in a positive way by modulating voice when the need arises. But be sure to follow the golden rule, ‘never ever shout, or become aggressive in a Group discussion’, it your skill and patience that is checked. Not how you shout and become aggressive.

Read More GD Topics Here

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