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Why Language skills are so crucial?

Importance of Language skills | How to enhance Language skills

Language is absolutely important to communicate effectively and make sense. Language skills are not only integral to daily life but also play a role in competitive exams and courses such as MBA. The world, today, is more connected than ever before, with greater interaction among people. Business houses, too, are not untouched by this phenomenon and depend heavily on this web of inter connections. In such a scenario, language skills become a prized asset of an entrepreneur and management students. 

1. Impression

Good language skills immediately makes an impact on the audience. A person who possesses flawless language skills will impress anyone he/ she comes in contact with. He/ she will be able to express himself/ herself clearly and confidently, leaving little scope for any misunderstanding. A person with good language skills will also reflect self- confidence, which in itself, is an important aspect of business management. Be it the clients, colleagues or partners, a person with good language skills will leave a lasting impression on everyone.

2. Demands of a global world

The world, today, is truly a ‘global village’, as interactions among countries have increased. There is more movement across borders as well as increased dependency on other countries. In such a scenario, language has assumed a significant role in aiding communication. One needs to be able to hold one’s ground before a native speaker of a language. Therefore, language skills have become important. For instance, an Indian who wishes to talk to or do business with an Englishman, he/ she needs to possess decent English skills, which includes, reading, writing and speaking, to be effective. 

3. Complements business skills

Good language skills automatically become an asset for an individual. A person may possess analytical skills, marketing skills, leadership skills, all important in themselves, but without language skills, he/ she will not be able to exploit the other skills effectively.  

4. Enable precise articulation

In the business world, it is crucial to articulate your thoughts precisely. As the stakes are high, there is little scope for any let up or misunderstanding. Good language skills will enable you to capture your thoughts and convey them effectively. This, in turn, will lead to a healthy relationship between you and your clients, employees, and other parties involved. Media interactions are also part and parcel of businesses, especially listed companies. Good language skills will take care of this aspect as well.


5. Beat competition

Good command over the language will not only help you leave a good impression on the people you come in contact with but also help you position yourself as a confident, assertive individual. This helps in cementing the brand, that is, you. In the market, where perception matters a lot, positioning yourself as a flawless, highly skilled individual will give you an advantage over your competitors. To achieve this objective, you need to work on improving your language skills.

6. Soft skills

Soft skills is nothing about how you present yourself, the way you speak, your confidence and so on. It is intertwined with language skills. A good grasp on the basics of the language used for communication, in most cases, English, will improve your soft skills as well. 

Thus, language skills cannot be ignored at any cost. It should be treated at par with other skills and continuously worked upon.

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