“Team Hustle Bustle” comprising of second-year students Anushree Roy, Neha Agarwal and Sruthy Whence of MICA Ahmedabad’s PGDM-C course, emerged as the National Winners of 4Ps Challenger by Nestlé India. The students won a cash prize of ₹ 2 lakhs and secured a Pre-Placement Interview. The competition involved proposing case study solution on ‘Nescafe Latte’ where the ask was to decide positioning, digital strategy, and sampling activation idea.
It was conducted across 14 select B-schools across India. The preliminary round was a campus round, where basis submissions 5 teams were shortlisted and one team was selected from each campus as Campus Winners. Across these Campus Winners, the company shortlisted 5 teams for the National and final round.
The finalists for the National round were SIBM Pune, XLRI, IIM C, SP Jain, and MICA. The final round involved presenting the case to the panel and was followed by a detailed Question and Answer round.
When asked about their experience in the face of stiff competition, the MICAn Team said, “The challenge was a live challenge and the ask of the case was very clearly defined. Being a proper end to end branding and marketing problem to solve, this was a great learning experience.
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