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Tips on TISSNET Exam preparation 2022

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Entrance Exams
Tips on TISSNET preparation

The National Entrance Test conducted by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences tests students in three areas, namely, General Awareness, Mathematics and English Proficiency. This 100 minutes paper requires a good level of preparation because the competition is high for the few seats on offer. Therefore, the aspirants applying for this exam need to be thorough in their preparation and plan their strategy well in advance. The following tips will help aspirants prepare well for the exam.

Know the Exam Pattern

The candidates who wish to give TISSNET must begin their preparation by familiarising themselves with the exam pattern and the marking scheme. The basic points to keep in mind are:

  • TISSNET is an online exam of 100 minutes
  • The exam contains three main sections: General Knowledge (40 questions), Verbal Ability (30 questions), Mathematics and Logical Reasoning (30 questions)
  • Each question carries one mark and there is no negative marking for an incorrect answer

Know the TISSNET Syllabus

The candidates must be aware of the syllabus and also the areas which usually carry the highest weightage in exam. It is not possible or important to attempt all 100 questions, all the candidates need to do is attempt around 80 questions with more than 90 percent accuracy. The candidates must focus on the following areas in particular:

  • Mathematics and Logical Reasoning

Topics such as Percentages, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Time, Speed and Distance, Ration and Proportion, Averages, Linear Equations, Time and Work, Set Theory, Statement Assumption, Statement Conclusion, Syllogism and Blood Relations usually carry more weightage in this section.

Candidates should browse through current affairs especially of the last six months, along with History, Geography, Politics, Constitution, Rivers, Government Schemes, United Nations Organization and its various wings.

  • Verbal Ability

Candidates must build up on their vocabulary to deal with this section. A good vocabulary goes a long way in getting a good score in this section.

Candidates applying for MA (HRM&LR) and / or MA (ODCL) programmes, are required to appearfor the TISS Management Aptitude Test (TISS-MAT).

Basic Structure, Objective and Contents of TISS-MAT 2022 are given below

Components / Sections



Management Data Interpretation


Business Awareness


Descriptive Writing


Expected Number of Questions 10 15 10 01
Total Marks (50) 10 15 10 15
Sectional Cut-off Nil Nil Nil Nil

Speed and Accuracy

The candidates should focus on maintaining a good speed and a high level of accuracy to have a chance of cracking the entrance. The total duration of the entrance is only 100 minutes, so the candidates can’t afford to spend too much time on each question. Also, they must attempt only those questions they are sure about to maintain a high level of accuracy. Even if they attempt around 80 questions with high accuracy, they have a bright chance of making it.

Mock Tests

Mock Tests are a good way through which candidates can gauge their level of preparation. Good mock tests can reveal a lot to the candidates, for instance, the weak areas that candidates need to strengthen, how to manage time and focus on gaining a high accuracy level. Once the candidates have covered the entire syllabus of TISSNET, they should attempt a considerable number of mock tests.


After covering the syllabus and solving a few mock tests, the candidates must complete a thorough revision of all the topics they have covered in order to consolidate their preparation. This is their last chance to remove any weaknesses they may have and gain confidence just before they attempt the entrance exam.

TISSNET is a crucial exam and the aspirants must prepare themselves well before attempting it.

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TISSNET Exam 2022

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