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Parajumble Questions for the CAT exam are part of the Verbal Ability section in the CAT exam. Through Parajumble questions, aspirants are asked for sentence arrangement. The difficulty level of the Parajumble questions can be easy to moderate. 

What are Parajumble questions?

Parajumble questions are those where certain sentences or parts of a text are given in jumbled order, and you have to reorder them in a coherent, logical paragraph. Let’s say, you are given a challenge and required to understand the context and flow of the sentences so that their correct sequence can be determined.

Importance of Parajumble in the CAT Exam

Parajumble questions are important because they help improve your understanding of how sentences fit together to make a clear and logical paragraph. 

Better Reading Comprehension:

This makes you understand and interpret a text since it requires you to get every single sentence and how it contextualizes within the paragraph.

Enhancing logical thinking:

A parajumble tests your ability to link ideas logically to find the correct sequence of sentences so that you learn to create coherent arguments or narratives.

Feeling the flow of ideas:

It can help you feel the organic flow and rise of ideas within a paragraph, consequently, you get the ability to follow and create logical and well-structured texts.

Develops problem-solving skills:

It deals with the analysis and reshuffling of the sentences, which sharpens your problem-solving skills along with your ability to handle information that is complex.

Assist in communication:

You learn to form coherent and clear paragraphs through the practice of parajumbles, a factor that's very essential for effective written communication and verbal communication.

Structure of the sentence:

You learn how the various parts of a text will cohere, thereby enriching your overall understanding of sentence structure and writing skills.

Parajumble Questions Concepts for the CAT Exam

Sentence Ordering: Arrange the given sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

1. It was a major breakthrough. 
2. The scientist developed a new technology. 
3. This discovery changed the industry. 
4. It was published in a leading journal.
The correct order: 2 → 1 → 3 → 4.

Sentence Pairing: Identify which sentences logically pair together and then arrange them in a coherent sequence.

1. The event was well-organized. 
2. Guests enjoyed a variety of activities. 
3. It was held at a grand venue. 
4. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
The correct order is: 1 → 3 → 2 → 4.

Introduction and Conclusion Identification: Identify which sentences should serve as the introduction and conclusion of the paragraph.

1. The policy had a significant impact. 
2. The new regulations were introduced. 
3. The benefits were evident. 
4. This change improved overall efficiency.

.Contextual Clues and Transitions: Use contextual clues and transitional phrases to determine sentence order.

1. Despite initial doubts, the project succeeded. 
2. The team faced many challenges. 
3. They worked tirelessly to overcome obstacles. 
4. Their dedication was recognized with an award.
The correct order is: 2 → 3 → 1 → 4.

Theme and Cohesion: Arrange sentences based on thematic coherence and cohesion.

1. She excelled in her studies. 
2. Her dedication to learning was evident. 
3. She graduated with honours. 
4. Her achievements were widely recognized.
The correct order is: 2 → 1 → 3 → 4.

Cause and Effect Relationships: Identify and arrange sentences based on cause-and-effect relationships.

1. The company faced financial difficulties. 
2. They implemented cost-cutting measures. 
3. This led to improved profitability.
4. The measures included reducing overhead costs.
The correct order is: 1 → 2 → 4 → 3.

Mistakes others make that you can Avoid

Parajumbles can be tricky, but with a systematic approach, you can significantly improve your accuracy. Here are some common mistakes people make and how to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Rushing to form a complete sentence without reading all the options.
Solution: Read all the options carefully before making any judgments. Sometimes, the correct order is not immediately apparent.
Mistake 2: Trying to arrange sentences independently without considering their relationship to other sentences.
Solution: Look for clues like pronouns, articles, and conjunctions that connect sentences. These can help you establish the flow of the paragraph.
Mistake 3: Not considering the main idea or theme of the paragraph.
Solution: Try to identify the central idea before arranging the sentences. This will help you determine the logical sequence.
Mistake 4: Persisting with a particular arrangement even when it doesn't fit the overall context.
Solution: Be flexible and willing to try different combinations. Sometimes, changing the order of just one sentence can make a big difference.
Mistake 5: Ignoring words like 'however', 'therefore', 'moreover', etc., which indicate the flow of ideas.
Solution: Pay close attention to these words as they provide valuable clues about the sequence of sentences.
Mistake 6: Failing to ensure that the arranged sentences form a logical and coherent paragraph.
Solution: Read the paragraph aloud after arranging the sentences to check for fluency and meaning.

Solving Parajumbles Questions for CAT

When it comes to CAT examination, you would want to tackle parajumbles something like this-

  • Read all sentences carefully and get an overall idea of the content.
  • Identify the opening sentence and look for the introductory sentence with a broad statement.
  • Find logical pairs, with that identify sentences that logically follow each other.
  • Look for chronological order, but make sure you use time clues to sequence events.
  • Identify keywords and themes and consider repeating keywords and themes to connect sentences.
  • Pay attention to pronouns and references, pronouns often have antecedents in previous sentences.
  • Eliminate sentences that don't fit in specific positions 
  • Arrange sentences logically to form a clear paragraph.

Tips to improve Parajumble Questions for CAT?

  • Identify the Opening Sentence
  • Find Logical Connections
  • Use Time Sequences
  • Practice Regularly And Analyze Mistakes

Parajumble Questions Tricks for the CAT Exam

  • Take Help of Nouns,Pronouns and Antecedents
  • Form Pair and Chains
  • Pay Attention to Subject- Verb- Agreement
  • Use Pronouns and Nouns Effectively
  • Look for Logical Connectors 

Parajumble Questions Concepts for the CAT Exam

  • Arrange sentences that describe events or processes in their natural order. Look for time indicators such as "first," "next," "then," "finally."
  • Identify sentences where one describes a cause and another describes its effect. Words like "because," "therefore," "thus," and "as a result" are clues.
  • Ensure the sentences follow a coherent logical progression, where one idea or event leads naturally to the next
  • Words such as "however," "moreover," "nevertheless," "furthermore," and "consequently" indicate relationships between sentences.

CAT Para Jumbles Practice questions for the CAT exam

Question 1: Five jumbled up sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd sentence and key in
the number of that sentence as your answer.

1. In English, there is no systematic rule for the naming of numbers; after ten, we have "eleven" and "twelve" and then the teens: "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen" and so on.

2. Even more confusingly, some English words invert the numbers they refer to: the word "fourteen" puts the four first, even though it appears last.

3. It can take children a while to learn all these words, and understand that "fourteen" is different from "forty".

4. For multiples of 10, English speakers switch to a different pattern: "twenty", "thirty", "forty" and so on.

5. If you didn't know the word for "eleven", you would be unable to just guess it you might come up with something like "one-teen".

Level: Easy

Answer: 4,1,2,3,5

Must-do Para Jumbles questions for the CAT exam

Question 2: Five jumbled up sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), related to a topic, are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a coherent paragraph. Identify the odd sentence and key in the number of that sentence as your answer.

1. Self-care particularly links to loneliness, behavioural problems, and negative academic outcomes.

2. “Latchkey children” refers to children who routinely return home from school to empty homes and take care of themselves for extended periods of time.

3. Although self-care generally points to negative outcomes, it is important to consider that the bulk of research has yet to track long-term consequences.

4. In research and practice, the phrase “children in self-care” has come to replace latchkey in an effort to more accurately reflect the nature of their circumstances.

5. Although parents might believe that self-care would be beneficial for development, recent research has found quite the opposite.

Level: Moderate

Answer: 5,4,1,3,2

Most Important Para Jumble Question for CAT

Question 3: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4) given below, when properly sequenced, would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key
in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer.

1. Algorithms hosted on the internet are accessed by many, so biases in Al models have resulted in much larger impact, adversely affecting far larger groups of people.

2. Though "algorithmic bias" is the popular term, the foundation of such bias is not in algorithms, but in the data; algorithms are not biased, data is, as algorithms merely reflect
persistent patterns that are present in the training data.

3. Despite their widespread impact, it is relatively easier to fix Al biases than human-generated biases, as it is simpler to identify the former than to try to make people unlearn behaviors learnt over generations.

4. The impact of biased decisions made by humans is localised and geographically confined, but with the advent of Al, the impact of such decisions is spread over a much wider scale.

Level: Moderate

Answer: 4,1,2,3,5

Find Some Previous Year Para Jumble Questions for CAT

Question 4: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4) given below, when properly sequenced, would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key
in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer.

1. Like the ants that make up a colony, no single neuron holds complex information like selfawareness, hope or pride.

2. Although the human brain is not yet understood enough to identify the mechanism by which emergence functions, most neurobiologists agree that complex interconnections
among the parts give rise to qualities that belong only to the whole.

3. Nonetheless, the sum of all neurons in the nervous system generate complex human emotions like fear and joy, none of which can be attributed to a single neuron.

4. Human consciousness is often called an emergent property of the human brain.

Level: Difficult

Answer: 5,3,4,2,1

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The most frequently asked questions related to Parajumble questions are answered below – 

How many Parajumble questions are typically asked in CAT?

The number of Parajumble questions in CAT varies from year to year, but generally, you can expect around 3-5 questions in the Verbal Ability section.   

What are the different types of Parajumbles in CAT?

There are two main types of Parajumbles in CAT:
Non-MCQ Parajumbles: You are given a set of sentences and you need to arrange them in the correct order.
MCQ Parajumbles: You are given a set of sentences and multiple answer choices with different arrangements. You need to select the correct arrangement.

What are the Recommended Books and Study Materials for Parajumbles?

While there might not be specific books dedicated entirely to Parajumbles, several books for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension sections of competitive exams include a substantial number of Parajumble questions and explanations which can be incorporated into your preparation. 

What are some other important CAT Verbal Ability Questions with Solutions?

Stay informed, Stay ahead and Stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous.