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Your Competitive Attitude Will Impact Your CAT Percentile

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Your competitive attitude will impact your CAT percentile

CAT Exam is like a microcosm of life. Just as life is tough, the CAT exam is tough too. And the one main reason for both these is competition. In the times we live in, the level of competition is ruthless. There is no way you can get through life without facing any competition. Therefore, inculcating a competitive attitude in your personality is an absolute necessity.

Competitive Attitude

It is said that, ‘Man is a social animal’. By this definition, society and people are important factors in an individual’s life. It is this awareness of the surrounding that drives an individual’s desire to do well and compete with his fellow beings. To prepare for CAT, you have to inculcate a selfish competitive spirit in you and not make any compromises with your target.

Competitive attitude drives performance

A competitive attitude drives your performance in CAT. The desire to do well for yourself runs supreme in your head. CAT, being such an important exam for all aspirants and a door to the top management institutions of the country like the IIMs, naturally, everyone who applies for the CAT exam does so with the aim of beating all other competitors and making it to the next stage.

For this to happen, a competitive spirit is paramount. Only when you get affected by the level of preparation of others will you work even harder. You have to keep reminding yourself that no matter how much you do, there are always people who have done more than you and are better prepared than you. This realisation itself should compel you to push yourself more.

Percentiles foster competitiveness

The scoring of CAT is through percentiles, which itself is a very competitive method and encourages a competitive attitude in aspirants. This is because percentiles take into account not just an individual’s personal score but his score is compared with others in the group.

For instance, a percentile rank of 95% means that 5% test takers performed well or better than the candidate getting 95% and 95% did not do as well. It gives the real picture and tells the candidate where he stands vis-à-vis his competitors. This becomes a motivating factor for the candidate the next time he sits for CAT.

Competitive attitude essentially is ‘never-say-die attitude

In essence, competitive attitude is nothing but the will to push your limits and the burning desire to fulfil your goals, come what may. Though the stimulating factor for competitive attitude lies outside your self, essentially it impacts the within.

The changes you are willing to make in yourself for the sake of your goals, the sacrifices you are willing to make, is what this competitive attitude really is. This never-say-die spirit drives your percentile in CAT because you have the will to push yourself and do things that toppers do.

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that life has become a race in which your best chance to succeed is only when you leave the other person behind. As ruthless as this sounds, it is the reality nevertheless. Therefore, the sooner you inculcate a competitive attitude within you, the better your chances in the CAT exam.


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