Reading Comprehension proves to be a challenging section for the aspirants. Not only are the aspirants tested on language skills such as vocabulary and comprehension, RC is also a test of how speed. Their success in this section, in fact, depends on how quickly they are able to read the passage and understand what they have read. Therefore, it becomes imperative for the aspirants to focus on speeding up their reading skills.
1. Build Vocabulary
Good vocabulary is at the heart of cracking the Reading Comprehension section quickly. The passages given in the exam combine words from the English language to make meaningful sentences. For the candidates to decode the meaning of the sentences, on which their choice of answers depends, they first have to understand the meaning of individual words. Some of the words may be tricky to guess, so the candidates should know the strategies to get to the meaning. Building your vocabulary not only helps you in the VARC section of the entrance exam, it also reflects well on your personality and leaves an impression on the people you meet.
2. Be comfortable with English
The candidates who are comfortable with English will be in a better position to attempt the VARC section. This is because they would be already be acquainted with the peculiarities of the language, the sentence construction, the kind of idioms used generally, the rules of grammar and so on. This will directly translate into more speed and accuracy while attempting the section. The candidates, who are not as familiar and comfortable with the English language will find the going tough and consume more time than the others unless they prepare well.
3. Adopt a strategy
There are various strategies that a candidate can work out for himself/ herself vis-à-vis reading at a fast pace. What works well may not work well for someone else. While preparing, you may choose to glance through the questions and then skim through the passage or first skim through the passage and then look at the questions. Some may even be able to read each and every line thoroughly, while some others may be able to identify the main points of the passage easily. All this is subjective and varies according to the skill level of the candidates. Therefore, decide which strategy increases your speed in finishing the Reading Comprehension and master it.
4. Practice
It is advisable to practice enough before going into the exam. Get a knack of solving complex passages within a given period of time and look at the themes of passages that have come in the previous years. This will give you a bit of an idea as to what to expect. You can brush up your knowledge about current affairs, social issues and so on, keeping in mind the kind of passages that usually come in the entrance. Familiarity with the theme of the passage will increase your speed too.
5. Focus
While doing RC, make sure that your focus in unwavering. Do not think about anything else but the passage at hand. Allowing your focus to waver will break your attention and reduce your speed.
Advice for candidates
The candidates should work on increasing their speed of reading the passage. Having a good vocabulary certainly helps but you should also back it up with the right strategy and enough practice.
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