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The Decline of Literature Is the Decline of a Nation

The Decline of Literature Is the Decline of a Nation

The Decline of Literature

Published : Monday, 20 July, 2015 11:40 AM

MBA aspirants will be tested for written communication skills hence, Essay writing is also crucial for MBA admission.

Read and develop points from following Essay Topic:

The Decline of Literature Is the Decline of a Nation

Literature has often been considered as the repast of the elite and the educated. The literary author is assumed to inhabit the legendary ivory tower, which is far removed from the real and practical concerns of everyday life. Men of letters are assumed to be full of high-headed ideals and eloquent expressions, which have no grounding in reality at all.

Hence, since times immemorial, the study and production of literature has been regarded as a wasteful activity, because the end-product is not tangible or directly and immediately profitable. Discoveries and research in science and technology have led us to the Moon and back, but what have advancements in literature done? How has the publication of a new book or a unique research paper benefitted mankind?

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Yet, Goethe – the famous German writer and statesman – felt otherwise. He believed that the decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation. Aeneas Sylvius, another renowned politician, also believed that every age without letters is dark. To drive home this point, let us not go too far to these Occidental men of letters.

Let us begin with our very own Rabindranath Tagore. During the struggle for independence, he penned down such inspirational, influential and soul-stirring pieces that they touched the hearts of the entire Indian nation-state and exhorted the citizens to stand together as one in the face of foreign oppression. Though he majorly wrote in Bengali, his works were widely translated into other languages also and hence, they reached the length and breadth of the nation. They united the nation, breaking barriers of caste, creed, religion and class.

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Literature and its study help one to cultivate the one’s faculty of reasoning and thinking logically. It makes us adopt the best possible alternative and judge the situation according to its context. It enables us to think critically and analytically. This ability is rarely inculcated in one through the study of the other sciences. A humanist, liberal education frees one’s soul from the shackles of ignorance, darkness and half-knowledge.

The students of today, sadly, are dismissive of literature. They are more into posting ludicrous comments on each other’s Facebook walls than engaging in serious literary pursuits, which would enable them to expand their horizons and inflame their intellects. It is indeed a dismal state of affairs.

If the nation’s torch-bearers do not learn the habit of reading, the ship of the nation-state is doomed to drown and its passengers are doomed to be shipwrecked, without the shore in sight. They will be like soulless bodies, forever wandering and searching for that which gives meaning to their lives, and that meaning will forever elude their grasp, because their fate has been sealed by ignorance.

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