Why MBA ?
Why MBA is the question which comes to mind to both for the freshers as well as for the experience aspirants. Both are having different prospective with their own answers as to why should they do MBA?
It is for the freshers who aspire to do MBA the answer is very clear that they might not get any course in the University wherein they can get direct linkage with employment hence, for freshers MBA is the only programme which can arm them with not only a professional diploma or degree but can gain employability.
Whereas on the other hand aspirants who are having work experience can positively answer that if they do MBA now they will be enhancing their learning and they might get better prospectus of growth in their present career.
The work experience can motivate this aspirant to go for executive programme at the top institute or to go for part time MBA. Read 10 Reasons for Executive MBA why one should consider it?
On the contrary as per Indian tradition of education, it is to first complete the education and then go for the job. But the perception is changing now and most of the top institute give weightage to work experience during the selection time because of the sole reason that this experienced candidate will be able to relate Management education to the work. Hence, it is but natural that candidate with work experience will shine more than fresh candidate.
MBA education is an ongoing learning process and nobody can deny that just doing MBA will not be enough for the entire career.
Fresh candidates also feel peer pressure for doing MBA as they find that their friend circle and many of their seniors opt out for MBA and many a times parents also talk of doing MBA because everybody feels that MBA is almost a ticket to job.
On the contrary candidates who have work experience see a cultural differences of MBAs & Non MBAs in their present organisation and they also watch inequality in salaries hence, these candidates get motivated to go for MBA besides getting learning of Management education.
It is to be also understood that why MBAs are in demand? In this context industry demands MBAs to be recruited as they get readymade stuff who is having communication skills, presentation skills and analytical mind hence, the teams at the various levels are benefited with this MBA pass out. Off late industry has started demanding MBAs for sector specific requirements. Because a general MBA although can fit in any segment but this sector specific MBA pass out would positively deliver more for the individual sector specific industry.
MBAs are almost employable not only in India but Globally. This is also one of the prominent reasons to go for MBA.
MBA is the one of the best professional suitable programme for which Banks give education loans to the students easily, provided you are in one of the top 150 MBA Institutes and this happens because MBA is directly proportional to Job openings.
All MBA aspirants should positively put a question to yourself as to why you want to do MBA? This question would definitely motivate you to go for the right direction and achieve Mission admission MBA.
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